I've taken to the guitar nicely; I'll zone out and play for two hours without really realizing. I didn't really expect to drive into it this mercilessly and I'm glad I did, I just never thought I was the sort of person to get so into music. The piano is inaccessible and doesn't travel well and it's so stuck in its delicious rigmarole that new
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Comments 3
Fussing with the truss rod is a balancing act as changing the neck's curve could cause fret buzz someplace else. It's possible that your frets need to be leveled or that you may have a high fret.
The truss rod adjustment isn't expensive nor hard to do yourself, but I'd probably just take it someplace since it does take some doing to do your self. It shouldn't be too expensive...maybe $30.
Otherwise you could also try a lighter gauge string, but that'll also cost you some bass and volume on your playing.
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