Chronicles of Blue Mage: Ripping horns off imps

Feb 13, 2008 14:54

You know, when they first told me that I had to rip the horn off an imp in order to learn Frenetic rip, I kept staring at that silly's imp head! I kept thinking about why can't I seem to target that stupid imp's horn. :3

Then I realise belated.. OH! It was the Horn (an instrument) and not the horn (appendage). :3 Things became a bit... easier then. ;)

We had help from Wildiecardie (Blu), Lareine (SAM) and Sitoca (RDM) in our first attempt to learn Frenetic Rip. However much we smash the imps in their horns, their horns still refuse to break resulting in a 3 hour long farming expedition that was not in waste since we got Sandspray by randomly abusing the poor mice around the Cemetary. :3 Flynne had great glee in strangling the imps, oh he could tell stories of how he had to chainspell warp at the sight of them. ^^

Taking a breather before we proceed to massacre imps.

After that, we had a long break where we went to Altepa desert (with our NPCs) and subjected them to the torment of 1000 needles. Flynne bullies his NPC! He leaves her unhealed! and she's a taru and oh so cute. ;_;

Coming back to imps later, we had another pair of friends help us this time, Ape (NIN) and Nanadesico (RDM), and this time we were luckier! Flynne was the first to break that darn imp's horn! Must take a horndog to do it. ;P (Okay cheesy..cheesy)

We took a boat ride to Bibiki Bay, all resplendent in our Far Eastern gear...journey through the seven seas...

.. to reach a place called Purorogono Island where Flynne had a short-lived marriage with a Kraken before he promptly massacred her for Maelstrom. Heartless elvaan, ain't he? :3

Oh yah, we did a bit of random leveling now we're level 64..first we went to level off colibris in Bhaflau and then we headed to Mount Zhalyom for Erucas. :3

I've always wondered why Flynne like his hippy style of fighting. :3 Maybe he's just asking to get spanked...especially by Kerushi ;)

After a hard's day work, its always good to take a break and see the sunrise along with a random black mandy. ;)

blu, flynne, treia, lvl62, toshirou, magic

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