Hi, sorry to comment randomly on one of your entries like this...
But about two years ago, I saw the Popolocrois episodes you subtitled and loved them so much that later when I went to Japan as an exchange student, I picked up all three of the original PSX games (as well as Moon). And, well, they were great! I especially loved Poporogue and Moon, and am playing through Popolo2 right now (even tho the enemy encounter rate make me want to cry, lol). :) So anyway, I found you randomly on LJ, and just wanted to thank you for introducing me to those great games! I hope it's okay that I added you to my friends list too. ^^
OK? It's great! Made my day, you did. Always glad to hear when I've managed to introduce people to great games (and anime)!
Interesting that you prefer PoPoRogue to PopoloCrois 1 or 2, as I found the battle system rather monotonous, and the dungeon design really boring - but the charming characters and EXCELLENT story more than made up for it!
The encounter rate IS pretty bad in Popolo2, but it's not unmanageable - the battles go by so quickly that it's not really a huge issue, and you can always use Pietro's "Magical Road" spell to avoid battles when you get tired of them - the game seems balanced with that in mind, so if you DON'T use Magical Road a lot, you'll probably be extremely overleveled by the time you get to the final dungeon.
Friended you back, so you should hopefully be able to read up on all my friends-locked entries now. Enjoy! (:
I love difficult dungeon crawlers, so I think that's why I liked Poporogue best. I had the most fun in the post game bonus dungeon, trying to get all the way to the bottom and beating the boss using just Pietro and young Paulo. I remember there were some really tough fights in Popolo1, too, and compared to that, Popolo2 already seems a lot easier. So I'll take your advice about Magical Road to make the game more challenging (and avoid all those random encounters). ^^
Ah, and see, I like easy games, with lots of save points, so that final dungeon in PoPoRogue was just TORTURE for me. I beat it, but I regretted it afterward, as the second ending was NOT worth my time. (:
Popolo1 had just the right amount of challenge for me - it wasn't frustrating, but it also wasn't easy by any means, and really required that you fight to stay alive.
Hey I never knew Ys had a new title! Ys 7 looks awesome and its great to see the franchise kept alive. I'm a huge Falcom fan, and my favorite title is Brandish. I really really want them to remake the original PC-9801 Brandish games! The PSP one looks cool but I still miss the awesome mouse controlled actions.
Comments 9
I just need to find a way to play 6 (I have 1-5 on snes9x).
By the way, I looked up Coloball 2002 and the very first link on google is a review by you, wyrd.
As for Ys VI, it's out in the U.S. on PS2 and PSP, y'know... and there's also an English fan-translation patch for the PC version!
But about two years ago, I saw the Popolocrois episodes you subtitled and loved them so much that later when I went to Japan as an exchange student, I picked up all three of the original PSX games (as well as Moon). And, well, they were great! I especially loved Poporogue and Moon, and am playing through Popolo2 right now (even tho the enemy encounter rate make me want to cry, lol). :) So anyway, I found you randomly on LJ, and just wanted to thank you for introducing me to those great games! I hope it's okay that I added you to my friends list too. ^^
Interesting that you prefer PoPoRogue to PopoloCrois 1 or 2, as I found the battle system rather monotonous, and the dungeon design really boring - but the charming characters and EXCELLENT story more than made up for it!
The encounter rate IS pretty bad in Popolo2, but it's not unmanageable - the battles go by so quickly that it's not really a huge issue, and you can always use Pietro's "Magical Road" spell to avoid battles when you get tired of them - the game seems balanced with that in mind, so if you DON'T use Magical Road a lot, you'll probably be extremely overleveled by the time you get to the final dungeon.
Friended you back, so you should hopefully be able to read up on all my friends-locked entries now. Enjoy! (:
I love difficult dungeon crawlers, so I think that's why I liked Poporogue best. I had the most fun in the post game bonus dungeon, trying to get all the way to the bottom and beating the boss using just Pietro and young Paulo. I remember there were some really tough fights in Popolo1, too, and compared to that, Popolo2 already seems a lot easier. So I'll take your advice about Magical Road to make the game more challenging (and avoid all those random encounters). ^^
Popolo1 had just the right amount of challenge for me - it wasn't frustrating, but it also wasn't easy by any means, and really required that you fight to stay alive.
Also, you should give Brandish PSP a try - it's AMAZING. Fantastic remake all around!
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