So, how long has it been now? Little over three weeks since I've so much as blinked on this page. Amusing to me to note that while I've always thought of myself as a scurvy old dog. Others seem to believe that I'm a crafty captian. I guess I'm not annoyed at that label. Just a bit suprised tho.
So I went to AX in ahaheim. Honestly it was about the worst con I could have busted my convention Cherry at. I still had a blast tho, even when there was really nothing besides the airsoft booths and
gogoicarus's table in artist alley to interest me. Met a couple girls dripping of highschool. Still they were amusing and personable. Zar,
Otsego, and
sepha_kun were awsome, even if Zar almost died while driving and halucinating. Also met Man-Fay, or rather he met me.
I got a vid of me whipping him with my flogger. Ok it was a bad vid, but amusing to me at least.
gogoicarus and I didn't get a chance to get drunk together. Which is sad concidering the a big part of the point of me hitting the con was to get drunk with him. I shoulda hit Fanime for that tho. Oh well.
On my way home from that, I stopped in Ventura and harassed
amolerouth because if I'm going to be in Socal, like hell am I not going to see her. We went to the beach for a bit, listened to the fireworks, and read. Oh and she fed me pasta. I loaned her the holy flogger that whipped the hairy ass of the Man-Fay. I'm sad, becauase she's being a boothbabe at "Up Your Alley" in San Fransico, and I didn't get to see that. The thought of giving her a chainmail wedgie amuses me to no end.
I get home, and start doing landscape work with my roomate. Shitwork, but it payes ok. Freelance isn't being as successful as I'd hoped, and I may end up either back at STL or the PPAC. I'm not sure as to which I'm more against doing. I mean I fucking LOVE the people I work with at STL, but the commute is death, and they just don't seem to want to pay people what they're really worth. Tho I hear that's getting a little better, and having medical again would be nice. The PAC would pay better, and be local.... but I'd be working with Bruce. I don't know that I can handle his control freak, you are still my aprentice and don't know shit, attitude anymore. At least not and still be able to be friends with him. I have to admit I value his friendship greatly. Maybe I should go back, and just learn to let him fucking have it when he pisses me off. It would be a good lessen for me I think.
So, I've been single a long time. Compleatly by choice, mostly because I've been way too fucked up to try and have a relationship. As Awi found out.... (Dear, I better get a status udpate sometime over your sergery, or I'ma kill people) However that's I think changed. Bethy and I have even cobbled together somewhat of a definition of who we are and want to be to eachother. Hell, my SISTER and I are cobbling together a relationship. Never thought that could possably happen. So in this muddle, I've decided I want another relationship. See, there's this woman at STL who I fucking love to death. She's soooo my kinda person. So I decided I'd make a move, since she was all about flirting with me, and actually seemed a little interested. So we've hung out, I've her # and it's still nothing at the moment. The undertone I get, is she'll let me know what she feels and soon. But then when do people actually come out and SAY what they mean? Hell I don't even do that. So I'm left a little confused, very hopeful, and sad because I don't actually know.
Wallaby got accepted as staff at
Sheezyart again. The same place that fired her for calling them names in her friends only journal. My own self I'm shaking my head at her, but she tells me that Manchii and Co have managed to do what I never could and wrench the stick out of Spencer's ass. Things are aparently better for the staff. I aplaud Spencer and CC for making it thus. I'd just rather shoot them that work for them. But that's just because I'm militant like that.
Feathers has been gone house hunting for the past couple weeks, and I've not been around when she does get on.... untill today. God I missed that silly Git. I don't know why I find her so amusing, but I do. I've even poked my "wife" a few times. Tho our marrage will never be what it once was, I still luff my Teni monster. Tho I think she enjoys watching me eat people more than talking to her my own self.
So that's about it, at least for tonight.