Repost: Things they don't tell you about your job.

Oct 31, 2006 22:14

Stagehands live a pretty fucked up working life. This isn't news to anyone really. The hours, dealing with "Stars," being fired as often as you take a smoke break, occupational safty being a running gag, being told to do the impossible with absolutly nothing ( Read more... )


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Comments 1

damn, man worthitt November 9 2006, 19:28:21 UTC
i feel for you. That's where the actors have it over the rest of us -- they get to at least pretend shit's all right, even when it sucks.

karma will make it come out all right tho -- you don't have to pummel them to burger; the universe will take care of it, just not in front of your eyes, not when you really want to see it happen NOW.

but that kind of faith is easier to deal with when you can punch something, i know.


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