Finally made it to a fic chat! Very excited/ing!
Here be prompts and my one-liner responses (slowly easing myself back into writing).
1. "The name's Bond, Jadeite Bond."
She stared at him with amused condescension, "Yeah, and I'm Rei Carmen San Diego."
2. windshield wipers
Makoto could only stare in disbelief - the rubber in the wipers had gone! Then she noticed through the open shed door ... Nate was fiddling with some new contraption again. If only the man could stop pilfering their household goods for projects!"
(should be 'would' rather than 'could')
3. book light
The purchase had been impulsive but Zoisite felt Ami deserved it, what she hadn't expected was for Ami to use the book light and pillow stand *every* *single* *night*. With the stand propped on her tummy like a triangular egg in the light of the little lamp, Zoi suddenly felt like leaning over and pressing her head to the bump to listen for an unexpected little heartbeat.
4. grace
"She is beauty. She is grace. She is Miss United States." Rei rolled her eyes as Minako took the catwalk - how a Japanese model with a British accent managed to become Miss United States, was beyond her abilities of deductive logic.
5. the cold and the dark
The Cold and the Dark seeped into the very marrow of her bones and she almost stopped the ceremony. Almost. Like when Luna had found out she meant to raise the dead - they'd almost stopped her. But she stopped them. So here she was, lying on the cold marble ruins, their blood mingling with her hair, chanting as if her life depended on it. Her life did. If she couldn't bring him back, then she'd send herself and the whole world after him.
*hopes she can manage another fic chat sometime this decade* T_T