I'm really enjoying OLTL....Its been fun no matter which direction the story seems to go. I feel for Rex right now just finding out he's not who he thought he was and poor Roxy too.John McBain is awesome....I think he's become my favorite next to Bo then Rex. Rex is good in no matter what they give him to do.
I didn't realize I didn't post last week here. I've been on FB so much with the soap people on there. I need to start using my journal again too...I got to work on Friday which was nice
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It was so nice at the beginning of the week, I was all caught up on my shows...I woke up on Tuesday and started feeling bad...As the day went on it got worse. Finally Tues night I threw up and it was a little better. Its taken me until now to feel ok. It was terrible.I've missed coming here.I hate the beginning of spring for that reason.
Yesterdays Days was actually really good...I love that Max is back....It was nice seeing him and him talking to Melaine...Too I love having Nichole back..I'll miss Anna, I enjoyed her being back even if only for that part.
I didn't realize its been more than a week since I've posted....I feel much better...My brother came home for is birthday with the dogs and that was fun....I love having animals around.
Sorry I didn't post last week, I've been a little down, but feeling better. I got to work two extra days this week and that was nice.It was so cold here over the weekend and its now gone, the snow.
The last show I've seen was ATWT yesterday and part of todays, so I tought I'd use these icons.Yesterdays was good, I'm glad Kaite isn't leaving
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I couldn't decide which icons to use as all my shows were good, the ones I've seen. I'm about 2 days behind again. I got to work alot this past week which was a great surprise.We were supose to get snow and it was mostly just really cold...So we had extra hours and that was reaaly nice.