Outrage Over Military Healthcare Cuts

Feb 18, 2009 15:34

Today I was reading a bulletin written by a friend of mine who is a Navy wife. Basically she was forwarding and letting others know about a proposed healthcare cut for active duty military and retirees where they would have to pay 50% of the costs. Right now I have Tricare Prime and I don't pay a dime expect on medications.

Please pass to any family members and friends in the Military or Retired Military.This bill will hurt a lot of people.


Myles Harrington
14thSqd 66-71

About Obama's Heath Care proposal on Active Duty Military, Families and Veterans.

Everyone, My office just got word today that our new President Elect Obama has proposed a plan to cut military health care benefits!

This is great news for the 99.9% Veterans and Active Duty members who are currently using health care benefits.
The Congressional Budget Office has made public a proposal stating that Veterans (you know, the men and women who have fought in wars and spent 20 plus years in the service) are now going to be paying up to 50% of their medical bill.
Thats a big jump from paying nothing for the past 30 some odd years. The biggest kicker is Active Duty Military (yep, I said Active Duty) will now be paying 10% of their total bill. They will now be billed for their kids visiting the doctor.
Again, a big jump from being free!

Another benefit subject to change is VA medical benefits.
Everyone who is receiving a benefit from the VA for a service related injury will have to be re-assessed and the proposal states this will affect "90% of vets receiving VA benefits and will save the government $53 Billion dollars over 10 years".

Needless to say, today is the first time I have heard from the few Obama supporters in my office say "if this gets passed they will not continue to be a supporter".
Isn't this the candidate that just a few months ago was preaching to get health care coverage to ALL!? Isn't it ironic and moronic to steal $53 Billion from vets and active duty military families so the Crack Head down the street will receive free medical coverage?

GREAT NEWS!! If you're as upset as I am then write your elected officials so hopefully some of the dummies running this country see the light and would never even dream of taking away a penny from a military member!

Here are some links to articles.



Feel free to Google if you're in dis-belief.

Below is a message from an Army General who also points out some links and ways how to contact your elected representative.

Subject: FW: TriCare for Life's Future
Date: Thu, 8 Jan 2009 09:14:10 -0800
To All,

This is for real. The heavy assault has begun on Veterans'/Retirees' benefits to pay for other programs. The word on the street is that these indeed are a high priority of the Obama administration. The one most of interest to Retired Military is in Article 189. If approved by Congress the first assault wave would hit the beaches in 2011 and would hit hard. It would initiate cost sharing to require retirees to pay the first $525 of medical cost and 50% of the next $4,725 for a first year cost of $2,888 per person. It would be indexed to increase with inflation. A reason given for this action (for PR effect) is "overuse" by Retirees.

____________ _________ _________ __

For those of you who are covered by TFL you will want to pay attention to what BG Bob Clements has surfaced about the future of TFL. If you know of anyone who is Retired Military, please forward this on to them. I don't know how many of you partake of the TriCare for Life program but here is a very interesting note on the subject. Seems as though our President Elect has placed a priority on cutting it out of the budget as a means to provide funding for those things he promised during the campaign. In any case, on page 189 of the Congressional Budget Office report! See the note below on how to get to that spot, there is a strong recommendation to eventually eliminate the program as it is too expensive. I would ask that you contact your elected officials and register your strong opposition to the elimination of this program. Just another move to slight those of us who dedicated much of our adult lives to the defense of our country.

Thanks for listening.

Here was my response to this bulletin.

A. Yes we should take a cut so that others may get the help they need. Isn't that what the military is about? Protecting our country? Our country isn't just a land mass it is the people on the land that makes up the mixture of cultures we have. I don't mind taking a cut in our health care plan so that the 'crack head' down the street can get help. Just think with health insurance there are options open to them about joining rehab.

B. We are not taking a cut in what Tricare covers. We are simply going to pay 50% of the fees. Is this really that terrible? Those in the military and those who are retired and receiving benefits have a much more secure here and now. We know we will get paid twice a month and that we will not lose our jobs. People who are not in the military have very little job security right now. With no jobs they can't afford the health care they used to take for granted. I'm not just talking about low income families I'm talking about your neighbor who you have known all your life and is a wonderful person who now has no job and no health care.

C. There are few places that Obama can cut the budget right now because that would mean officials taking paycuts or having their pet projects taking cuts regardless of how corrupt or stupid the idea is. We are living in an amazing time period. In less than a century we have moved from Blacks being unable to interact with Whites to having a Black president! I'm proud to be living now and I'm so glad that my daughter will be growing up in such an interesting time period of change.

There hasn't been a draft since Vietnam and there are many who are retired who fought in that war. But since then anyone who has joined the military did so of their own accord. For many reasons, schooling, financial security, and to help those who cannot help themselves. The type of person who joins because of those reasons are special. It takes not only a special person to become a service member but also a special person to be a military spouse. Why are we complaining and acting like petulant children because we suddenly have to pay for our health insurance? Do we forget the people that we have made sacrifices for? The helpless and repressed. The many homeless adults and children, babies born to drug addicted mothers, abused and abandoned children. We fight for them, we make the sacrifice of living away from our loved ones so that we can help those very people. Not only in our country but in others as well. We should be proud of this and we should always remember who we protect and empathize with their situations.

When I was growing up my parents didn't know if their paycheck was going to take care of the bills and feed our family. When I was just a year old my mother and father lost their house and we were homeless. Through the love and compassion of a family friend we were not put on the streets. I grew up with an abusive mentally ill father and watched my mother sink into a depression that is still destroying her. My life now is better than it ever has been regardless of the pain of separation I feel because of being away from home. Despite the intense loneliness from not knowing anyone and the resentment of having to live this life and jealousy that my husband goes to work and gets a break from Noggin, screaming toddler and diaper changes. But I do this because I know it is best for my daughter. Because she will always have health care and never have to worry about where the money for rent is coming from. I do this for myself so that I can become a better person through therapy and medication. I fight against my own depression and anxiety so that I can become a better wife and mother. For all these blessings I have I will give up the free health care. I will make the sacrifice
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