Name: Sairin (Hell, no, this ain't my real name, but I've been advised not to give away my real name on the Net XD)
Nicknames: None that stuck with me, really.
Gender? Female
Age? 17
Likes: Reading, drawing, daydreaming, eating, watching anime, playing RPGs and The Sims.
Dislikes: Pollution, noise, crowds, rude people, backstabbers
Hobbies/Interests: Surfing the Net, blogging, reading, drawing, daydreaming, anime, RPGs, making icons
Special talents: My languages, I suppose. And singing. I can sing, but I hardly ever do, now that I'm not in a choir.
Pet peeves: Lateness, people who act stupid but aren't really, like someone I know(For heaven's sake, you've got a brain. Use it instead of saying idiotic things all day long!), people who think they're right all the time, backstabbers, apple polishers, rudeness, disorder, noise, crowded places
Strong personality traits: I'm loyal and I stand for what I believe in. I'm also emphathetic to some degree.
Weaker personality traits: Quick temper, impatient, fickle-minded over trivial matters, tends to be easily depressed by failures, likes to beat self up, lazy
Describe yourself in three sentences: I'm a perfectionist. I can get jealous of those who do better than me academically. And I'm often confused and somewhat anti-social.
Favorite Old Kingdom character? Why? Mogget. He can be sarcastic, annoying and out of control at times, but he's knowledgeable and helpful. And in the end he had his heart in the right place. Plus he's in the form of a little white cat (squee~).
Least favorite Old Kingdom character? Why? Sameth, I think. He was just...there.
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One or the other
Famous or rich? Rich. It sucks having to deal with publicity and the media all the time. I have better things to do.
Friends or family? I wish I could say family, but I think I'm more loyal to my friends than my family. I don't feel good about it, but that's the way it is.
Night or day? Day. Dealing with the occasional insomnia is depressing and irritating.
Optimist or pessimist? Pessimist all the way. Easy not to be disappointed in false hopes this way. Psychologically it isn't healthy, I know.
Leader or follower? I like being the leader. I'm fine with being a follower if I don't know what to do though.
Introverted or extroverted? Introvert. You don't talk to me, I don't talk to you. I'm terrible at conversations because I can never find anything to talk about. I do talk more to those who are close to me, like my best friends or family.
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Magically speaking...
Would you use weapons? If so, what kind? Yes, only if I have to defend myself. A Charter-spelled sword would be nice against the Dead.
If you could have any magical powers, what would you have? Charter Magic. Or perhaps the Sight.
If you could be any animal, what would you be? Why? A cat. They're independent, proud and cute.
If stranded alone on an island, what three things would you need with you? A blade of some kind, a photo of my family and another set of clothes.
Would you risk your own life to save someone? I don't know. I might; I might not. It's not so easy to answer unless I've been put into a situation like that.
Do you fancy any particular bell? Why? Astarael. I have a morbid fascination with the bell that sends everyone into Death. Another would be Ranna. A quick fix for insomnia in my opinion.
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If you want, feel free to post pictures of yourself, but please limit them to TWO (2). If you don't want to post images, feel free to write a simple description of yourself, so we can get a feel for who you are!
I have black eyes and black hair that grows past my shoulder, somewhat thick eyebrows(at least that's what others say)and am short-sighted. I am about 162 cm tall.
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Which character do you think you'll be stamped as? Uh, Lirael, I think. Perhaps Sameth?
Where did you hear about us? I clicked on my interest "Abhorsen" and found it XD
Questions, comments, suggestions? This is a very nice community ^_^