Name: Cassandra
Nicknames: Cass/Cassie
Gender? Female
Age? 16
Likes: Cakes, tea, doughnuts, peace and quiet, animanga, music.
Dislikes/Pet Peeves: Hypocritical, insincere, shallow people. Having to do things according to other people's way. People forcing me to do things I don;t want to do. People who complicate things for me. People who lie to me and think they can get away with it. People who try to change my mind. People who don't think for themselves, and expect me to think for them, as if I have nothing better to do. People who want me to take photographs when it's very clear that I don't want to.
Hobbies/Interests: Drumming, daydreaming, observing, being sarcastic/Psychiatry, psychology, music, and a whole bunch of other things.
Special talents: Writing, and sketching.
Strong personality traits: I don't bother people. I am never impulsive, I tend to think through my options before deciding anything. My indifference to what others think of me and of their opinions in any matter. I don't use people, I expect them not to use me. I don't really care how people judge me or whether they like me, as long as they don't complicate my life.
Weaker personality traits: Short-tempered, pessimistic, cynical, apathetic, lazy, sarcastic.
Describe yourself in three sentences: I am a firm believer of "Look before you leap". I like observing people and trying to figure them out. I don't really view things like other people. For example, if someone's gotten into an accident, the first direction many would go is, "how is he?" or something along the lines. But I'll go, "how much is the hospital bill?"
Favorite Old Kingdom character? Why? The Disreputable Dog; attitude-wise.
Least favorite Old Kingdom character? Why? I can't think of one for this series surprisingly. There has been a point where I've disliked all of the characters.
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One or the other
Famous or rich? Rich
Friends or family? Either, neither. I have no preference.
Night or day? Night
Optimist or pessimist? Pessimist
Leader or follower? Leader. Unless someone else better qualified is taking over. Though I don't really care if people follow me or not as long as they don't bother me.
Introverted or extroverted? Introverted. While I might be more open if I know you, I still remain introverted nevertheless.
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Magically speaking...
Would you use weapons? If so, what kind? Yes. I've a fondness for guns, staffs and scythes.
If you could have any magical powers, what would you have? Preferably I'd like elemental powers// or telepathic powers.
If you could be any animal, what would you be? Why? I wouldn't want to be an animal. If I had to, a hawk, or a wolf.
If stranded alone on an island, what three things would you need with you? A boat, a lighter, and food.
Would you risk your own life to save someone? At this particular moment, there's no one I would risk my life for. Though I might for someone in the future, it will still depend on the circumstances and repercussions.
Do you fancy any particular bell? Why? Belgaer, for the risk factor. You either do it right or you screw yourself in. Responsibility and caution will come if you're threatened after all.
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I look younger than sixteen. I've got a tanned complexion. Dark hair and eyes. I'm quite short, about 158cm.
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Which character do you think you'll be stamped as? That is up to you to decide.
Where did you hear about us? Through a profile. Their stamp had read Lirael, and so I proceeded to check it out. I'm quite glad I did.
Questions, comments, suggestions? No comment.