ohhman. i'm finally in new york.
god. that was a weird and long set of plane rides. on the plane from california to chicago, i was sitting next to this nice old black lady. she kept talking to me about god and jesus. and it was actually pretty fun. sure, i disagree with her views on leviticus, but y'know, it was nice meeting an actual christian who actually follows out christianity to its fullest extent. she actually made me cry a few times, because of the things she said. it was kind of funny, though, because she works at the DA's office at 6th and Washington. And I told her I was on the MockTrial for my school. And she's all "Yeah. Just come down to the DA's office and ask for Betty Harris." She does secretarial work and was telling me all these gruesome stories about the awful things people do. XD still, she was really really nice.
The flight from chicago to new york was less odd. I slept listening to the soothing sounds of the rock love duet that is amanda palmer and brian viglione. <3 -happiness-
Anyways. So my auntie linda lives riiight in the middle of the asian ghetto that is flushing, queens. hella korean signs around and everything. life is good thus far. i'm here with my auntie linda, her parents, my auntie baby, their friend tita ronnie, and her mother. and i'm eating cherries. :D
oh. and in chicago, i had this pretty bitchass gyro :D i should've gotten the meal, but then i would've eaten too much. and that would've been baaaad.