From Twitter 05-09-2011

May 10, 2011 04:01

  • 00:21:10: Bed now, blog update finish tomorrow.
  • 08:35:59: RT @chezallen: Please help! Staff meeting tonight. I want to show colleagues how far a tweet can go in one school day #edbigcrowd PLEASE ...
  • 08:58:22: Just saw some Bobsey Twins books coming in soon, reprints prob for the adult nostalgia market that are going to prob be in the child section
  • 09:51:30: A seminar today about eating to beat illness and some recent comments make me think of Orthorexia
  • 09:52:20: There is no-one who can fix my diet or lifestyle except me and preaching at me is only making me defensive
  • 09:54:11: Next person who starts with suggesting I walk for exercise gets an earful, I spent a few years microtearing my calves, Physio says it's bad
  • 09:56:58: Can I be allowed to get to a stage where I no longer fear food because of gluten or weight gain before more lectures?
  • 09:57:42: Yes, food can cause me stress which can lead to comfort eating of the wrong safe foods
  • 09:59:27: RT @The_WhiteWitch: Why do girls like pink @BBCBreakfast? Because it's the colour made when fresh lion blood mixes with snow. I thought ...
  • 10:01:37: RT @ natural20 Charity boardgames day in Dublin the Saturday, please retweet.!/event.php?eid=205852859435171
  • 10:57:15: Read my review of Prisoner of Ironsea Tower by Sarah Ash on LibraryThing
  • 11:02:00: Oh and Eating the right foods is NO guarantee that you won't get Cancer it just decreases your chance.
  • 11:59:18: RT @derryo: Irish secondary students, you could win the opportunity to name a new sea creature
  • 12:31:14: RT @jdub: Much concern about Muslim extremists in our midst... and yet the Prime Minister openly meets with Christian fundamentalists. # ...
  • 13:33:12: RT @RTEHistoryShow: #todayinirishhistory 1671 - Irishman Thomas Blood attempts to steal the British crown jewels . Fails dammit! http ...
  • 13:34:52: RT @missdaisyfrost: Why do the review pages always seem to be full of books which no one buys and the bestseller lists full of books no ...
  • 13:46:00: Read my review of Secrets in Four Corners/Profile Durango (Mills & Boon Intrigue) by Debra Webb on LibraryThing
  • 15:04:37: I have to admit that I sometimes ask slightly inane questions of sites I'm not sure are still working...
  • 16:28:16: RT @jay_lake: #cancer treatments cancelling several upcoming trips. @ UnitedAirlines wants $150 per ticket to return my miles. That's cus ...
  • 16:29:58: RT @clareconway: Is there anything I can do with quinoa that makes it not taste like something used in a hamster cage? @ RunWithTina @the ...
  • 18:26:43: RT @CowsLaneCraft: Irishness, in a paragraph: #win
  • 19:15:48: A knitted CAR!!
  • 19:50:13: Spring, rural Ireland and nature:
  • 19:57:03: Crocheted cat dress:
  • 20:09:18: I can knit! Crafty Blog Update done:
  • 20:10:45: RT @knittingnews: Continuing w/my wee LOTR theme, here's an awfully pretty knit shawl named Barad Dur: SUNFLOWER DESIGNS: ...
  • 22:20:11: RT @marklittlenews: The Marvel comic Situation Room Osama photo via @ lheron @joshrogin @thegarance
  • 22:28:48: RT @5LiveF1: A man goes to the doctor and says "Doctor, I'm addicted to twitter!!" The doctor says "Sorry, I don't follow you..."
  • 22:31:45: I wish takeaways would mention how the meat is done, partic if it's battered or not. Batter=not for me- no batter =maybe.
  • 23:29:28: RT @craft: Amigurumi Master Chief:

    It's weird to look at Master Chief from Halo and think, "SO CUTE!" right? I guess it's... http://bi ...

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