Anchors - Ch 3/?

Oct 29, 2010 23:33

Title: Anchors - Chapter 3/?
Author: x_cheapnovelty  
Pairing: Alex Gaskarth/Oli Sykes, Sykecest
Rating: NC-17 fo sho
Summary: Oli's really emo.
Warnings: Homoerotica, violence and the word 'fuck', A LOT.
Disclaimer: Ridiculously imaginary
Dedications: chasingxrabbits because she's writing an Aladdin story, and I like that.
Previous Chapters: one two
Author Notes: I'm so sorry for the ridiculously long hiatus. Writer's block can be a mighty bitch.
But I'm back in force, kinda, so enjoy some free Sykarth :)

Tom was a romantic, a dreamer. Tom was hung up on love stories spawned by early exposure to Titanic and Romeo + Juliet. Or maybe he was just subconsciously in love with Leonardo DiCaprio.

He’d never had specific fantasies or found himself attracted to one particular person; it had always been a fabulous concept, that a swirling masquerade of emotion that would consume him and the individual and then... that was as far as he’d gotten before his hand slipped into his pants and all genuinely romantic thoughts sailed through the window.
But now Tom found himself tense, thoughts erratically jumping from current situations to far-fetched concepts and then people’s faces; people’s faces just constantly flashing up in his mind for a nanosecond before disappearing. There were two faces though, that would not stop flashing. These faces belonged to Brother Oli and Alexander, and the faces would be kissing. No, making out would be the proper term, for their faces were joined at the mouth, but the longer they stayed at the front of Tom’s imagination they solidified, and their necks and torsos would appear, arms snaking around each others necks and tongues slipping into foreign mouths before their legs would appear and they, too would tangle; their pelvises pressed hard against each other...

It was one of these times when Tom's dick was in his hand and he was trying not to moan Oli's name out loud, when the said boy knocked on Tom's bedroom door.
Fuck Tom thought to himself, shoving his cock back in his pants and opened the door irritably.
"The fuck d'you want, Oli?"
"Jesus tits, Tom what’s your problem?"
"Jesus' fucking titties innit, now what?"
"Did I interrupt summin’?"
"Yeah, actually-"
"Oh fuck, I know what I interrupted", Oli cut him off, eyeing his pants. "Fuck, Tom you don't 'ave very good timing do ya?"
"How should I know when you want to knock on my door? Piss off, tosser" Tom said angrily, trying to close the door on his brother, but Oli forced it open and strode in to his room. “GET OUT FOR FUCKS SAKE” Tom screamed, taking even himself by surprise.
“Look, Tom I know I'm a right tit half the time but, like, I'm feeling weird about what ‘appened last night... wiv Alex... y’know like you were-”
“Uh, Oli, I'm not really into relationship problems, let alone gay ones, so like, you might want to find someone else-“ Tom interrupted, trying to avoid this topic.
“I just wish I ‘adn't gone there wiv im, y'know?” Oli ploughed on regardless. “Like fuck, the boy was my one decent friend and what do I do? I give him a bloody black eye and shove my cock in ‘is mouth.”
“Oliver, fuckin’ too much inf-“
“I always fucking do this! First with Curtis and then Nicholls... now another cute brunette... FUCK!” Oli yelled as he got off the bed, fists in his hair.

Tom took a step back because Oli fired up like a bitch and he was starting to freak out. He knew Oli had a temper, but the boy was flipping right out of his tree, now.
“Oli, calm down”, Tom began, putting a hand on Oli’s shoulder, but the physical contact set Oli right off and he shoved Tom's arm off of him and backhanded his face in the same swift movement.

Tom cried out in protest, palming his face in shock.
“YOU FUCKING LUNATIC, Oliver, Jesus, the fuck is your problem?”
“I don't know”. Oli screamed back, turning away in shame. “I'm just, just so.. fuck, I dunno, I just want to destroy something. Someone.” He turned back to Tom, calmer now that remorse was coursing through him.
“Get out.”
“Tom, I'm-”
Oli, mad again, prowled up to his brother and got all up in his grill, but Tom was not going to back down. “You heard me, get the fuck out.”
Oli growled and leant down in a way that Tom thought would surely precede the next blow to the face, but he was shoved against his bedroom wall instead. Undeterred, he stared daggers at Oliver in the hopes he'd get the fucking hint and leave.
Even angrier at Tom's lack of response, Oli got even closer and just when Tom thought he'd slam his head into the door, or something similarly violent, Oli crushed their lips together, pulling his face forward in an immense kiss.

Tom was beyond shock now and his hormones got the best of him.

He kissed back with enthusiasm, pulling Oli's hair and earning a growl in response, which only spurred them on further. Their hands grabbed viciously at each other, anywhere their hands could reach, and Oliver was biting at Tom's neck now, hard, and Tom could not help but moan as Oli turned him black and blue, but he didn't care, this was too hot, too good to stop, and he did not give a fuck right now, so he undid his brother's belt and slipped his hand inside.


Earlier that day...

Alexander had woken up the morning after his and Oliver’s drunken romp with a headache and a stiff neck. He sat up, surveyed the state of the room he found himself in and then the pain hit him. It hurt to yawn, why was his face so fucking sore? His throat hurt, his back was surely scratched to pieces and every muscle just generally ached. Alex remembered drinking, and remembered Oli’s violent mood swing and the hot’n’steamy session that followed, but goddamn he’d never been this sore after a night with a boy before.

Turning his head to look at the boy beside him, he sighed. Alex knew Oli was a little bit messed-up. The boy did a good job at hiding it most of the time, but his flaws were what made him so incredibly desirable, in Alex’s opinion. He gazed upon his sleeping face for a while before slowly shifting to cuddle up real close to Olivers limp form.
“Pretty Oli,” Alex whispered, softly tracing Oliver’s eyelids and nose and lips with his index finger. “Why can’t we fall in love?”

alex gaskarth, oli sykes, tom sykes

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