After coming back to his world Ginta had decided that he couldn't quite go back to the Nexus just yet. He needed a break, needed to avoid people for the time being. He had made time to take a short trip to Aya's world to leave a note stating that he was sorry he wouldn't be able to help at the shop for a bit because of a matter involving the pack that couldn't wait. It wasn't a lie but it was vague enough that he didn't have trouble getting the words down on paper.
During the past couple of days spent in his world Ginta had gone on autopilot. He knew the chore system in his tribe very well, especially the guard routes which he had helped plan the spring before last. Most importantly, he knew how to work the system to his advantage. The contact he had with his youkai packmates was minimal, just enough to pick up extra guard shifts in the more secluded parts of the territory. It kept him busy enough so that he could go numb most of the time and isolated enough that when the tears came again nobody saw it but the wolves. Despite his recently reclusive habits he was never without at least two by his side. It was comforting to see them there: real and live and healthy. Not to mention, he needed some form of companionship and their unquestioning presence was perfect.
The wolves trotted ahead of him, bounding off the craggy hillside and into a small cluster of trees at its base. He entered the treeline before realizing that the wolves had stopped and tensed, sniffing at the air. Ginta had barely tightened his grip on his spear before he heard a figure drop behind him and felt an iron grip on his shoulder. The youkai froze in a moment of shocked terror, then inhaled. The scent was familiar. His shoulders slumped in relief and, when he addressed the man behind him, his voice held more than a little agitation.
"Don't do that, Kouga. Sheesh, you had me worried."
The frown on Kouga's face was stern with a hint of reproach. Not that Ginta could see it because he was trying very hard to look anywhere but his leader's face. "I could say the same to you. I haven't seen you in days. Hakkaku hasn't either. I've talked to the wolves and it's not because you've been sneaking of to that Next-to-us place, or whatever it is. You're here but you're not around. What's wrong?"
My my, wasn't the ground interesting today? One would think so by the way that Ginta was staring holes in it. "Nothing's wrong I'm just... picking up a bit of slack, is all. Guess it kept me busier than I thought."
Kouga crossed his arms and snorted loudly. "Yeah right, jackass. You expect me to fall for that? You never spirit yourself away like this unless something's really wrong. Better go ahead and 'fess up before I start dunking you in the river to make you."
The shorter youkai started fidgeting with the edge of his vest so he had something to focus on while he decided exactly what he wanted to tell. "I... I found out something really bad that happened in another world and it..." He bit his lip, not sure exactly how to finish that.
A brow was raised as Kouga prompted him impatiently. "And? Did you have any good friends in this world?"
Ginta frowned. He didn't think of really think of Daniel as a friend so much as an interesting-if-slightly-off-putting acquaintance. "Well... no, not really..."
"What's the problem, then? It's another world. If it isn't effecting you and yours then it ain't your concern."
Something about what Kouga had said clicked in Ginta's brain. It was another world. Just because things had happened a certain way there it didn't mean that the same fate would befall theirs. Of course, that didn't mean that the possibility of extinction wasn't still there... but it was no use grieving over something that he wasn't even sure was going to happen. As much as he hated it, this was something that Ginta would have to look into. However, there at least seemed to be some glimmer of hope now. The corner of his mouth twitched upward. It was the closest thing to a smile Ginta had shown in days.
"I... guess you could have a point."
"'Course I do." Kouga turned in the direction of camp. "Now, when you get done with this shift I'd better see you back at camp, alright?"
"Sure thing, Kouga. I'll see you there."
With that the Yourouzoku leader took off, leaving a whirlwind of dust in his wake. While coughing over the small dust storm Ginta started mentally going over his options. He wasn't sure exactly how to find out what he needed to know. He'd need advice... and that meant he'd have to get up the nerve to go back to the one place he knew that could offer a perspective on how to search out information from the future. Maybe he'd make it back to the Nexus tomorrow.