Title: Cover
Pairing: Jaemin
Rating: PG
You turn down the light when he's caressing your face.
You don't want him to see. You don't want anyone to see.
The blonde hair makes it harder to hide anything, leaving your face almost naked. But your face is naked - and nothing is covering what is simply you.
But he covers you. Changmin does. He can cover every part of you. His face lowers to yours, connecting your lips. And it's soft, so soft - the world around you darkens when he blocks the light from you. You feel safe - so safe. And his arms are warm. His hands are cupping your face, running over exactly what you're trying to hide. He runs over that scar under your jaw, those beauty marks that mar your light cheeks. His fingers run over them with precision, as if mapping out every single imperfection.
And the light is turned off. Because Changmin doesn't need the light to see you. He has already committed you to memory - the real you, and nothing else. And his hands run up your sides, sculpting you into that being he knows is you. His hands are those of a professional artist, and you are his masterpiece. And really, all the makeup is unnecessary now, because Changmin - because, because Changmin loves you.
And you're beautiful like this.
Just like this.