wooww-i had an amazing night=) i havent had this much fun in foreverrr!the spring fling was awesome and phillip was there-sorry for squishing you on the bullet-but anyways we came home about 8 45 and partied it up at jessicas-MORE DETAILS WHEN I GET HOME-well i g2g
hey there playas--me and caroline are fixing to leave for the beach in maybe like a hour or two??well anyways we wont be back till saturday so leave us with some nice comments-
WeLL i MiGhT g0 tO tHe BeAcH wiTh CaRoLiNE!iT sHoULd bE fUn sTuFf!oH aNd dOn`t WoRRy i wOn`T bE tYpiNg LiKe tHiS aLL tHe tiMe LiKe sHeLLeY!LoL* i LoVe YoU GiRL!