BOY: i like you ;)
GIRL: i like you 2
BOY: we should hook up
GIRL: yeah :-D
BOY: Lets kiss.
---they kiss
BOY: lets go out : )
GIRLS BEST FRIEND: sounds good .. who cares about megan.
GIRLS BEST FRIEND: me and boy kissed and we are goin out. oo and i
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Comments 20
it seemed like you guys got along fine today and now your not?
i dont get you.
but its a fucking boy
get the fuck over it.
theres plenty of others.
god damn, im sorry that there couldnt be the boy that you wanted to go out with you.
you're verrryy pretty,
and i know a boy that cant wait to even spend a day with you,
or even go to homecoming with you
so blahh
im done discussing this.♥
i certainly dont hate you.
quit being a drama queen.
because so many people back me up on this, on how it's pretty damn
immature, and annoying to hear you complain about this.
but this is your journal, and really i just needed to bring out my opinion
this is my last comment i swear.
Its just a boy.
And you and Kayla seemed fine at school so if you got a problem with it dont just write it on here maybe you should tell her too?
Your very pretty and theres gonna be lots more boys.
Dont make this a big deal.
I hate drama and this is how it all gets started.
The world doesnt hate you.
It was just ONE boy.
K i'm done now.
Dont take this the wrong way k i was just stating how i see it.
Dear, yes
You are a Drama Queeen and , yes
You are Over Reacting.
Keaton is So not Worth it and you know that.
I think whats Really makin you pissed is the Fact that Keaton did that but i know you,
And i know that You ARE goregous
You DO like other boys.
Keaton is just ONE among many other boys in our school that would be dieing to go out with you.
And its fine that you vent in your journal but if you keep making comments like This such one..
People arent Going to be as Sympathetic
I will ALWAYS be there for you.
And you dont need to waste anymore time on him.
I refuse to let you.
But i dont like to type and im done talking about it
I Truely Will Always Love You Megan
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