So you're washed up an island and you get to pick the
-Bahamas or Virgin Islands? Bahamas
-Plane crash or boat crash? CRUISE!
-Name the island: Coney Island (in the Bahamas)
-Be stuck in jeans or a dress? A hot bikini. JUST KIDDING. A dress, I suppose. It is comfortable.
-Coconuts//Bananas? That and strawberries.
You're stuck with 10 Broadway boys and a friend....who are they?
1. Gavin Creel
2. Gideon Glick
3. John Gallagher, Jr.
4. Theo Stockman
5. Blake Daniel
6. Jonathan B. Wrgiht
7. Gerard Canonico
8. Jonathan Groff
9. Anthony Hollock
10. Andrew Kober
11. Gabby!!!! now that your stuck with all your friends:
Give a job to each of the people above..
same people for the numbers ^
1. Gavin Creel is the serious hard worker of the group, but he always knows how to make working fun because that's just how he is. He knows team work! Everyone looks up to him because he is GAVIN CREEL.
2. Gideon is almost like the baby of the group. He helps everyone, and he especially likes gathering food from the ground and plants.
3. John Gallagher, Jr. creates the mood with his lovely guitar/ukulele! He brings the group together when we are all in shit moods because he is practically god-like. He is the bossy one, and he tells people what to do.
4. Theo Stockman is the jerk that everybody loves to be with. He is there for laughs, and he collects sticks for the fire because he appointed himself to it. He creates sword fights with these sticks.
5. Blake Daniel climbs up coconut/banana trees because he is swift and tall! He also has long arms for grabbing little things stuck under rocks and shit.
6. Jonny B. has a great, loud voice and knows exactly how to shut up a group easily because mostly everyone finds him intimidating. He likes to cook for everyone alone, and he especially enjoys that time.
7. Gerard will set up the fire because he seems the kind to like doing that. Theo can help him because he has the sticks.
8. Jonathan Groff gives the best advice when someone in the group is feeling down or homesick or something. He is always there for the best hugs, and he can wake up the group in the morning with his powerful voice and spitting powers.
9. Anthony Hollock is good with his hands (harhar). He likes making shade and a nice place to stay when he senses any rain coming. Yes, he can sense rain storms!
10. Andrew Kober helps Anthony and Theo. He is almost like their bitches, but mostly Theo's. He helps everyone because he is a kind soul.
11. Gabby wants to help the group, but she can't. She's too busy being a darn fangirl with me. GOODNESS. Gabby, get it together! She stares at the men as they work with Rizelle.
-Leader of the Island : Gavin Creel and John Gallagher, Jr. split that roll even though Gavin knows it's rightfully his.
-Person to keep everyone entertained : Everyone is equally entertaining, but mostly Theo, Gerard, and Anthony will keep the group entertainined with wacky, weird things they like to do....
-Person to be the "laborer": Kober, Glick, and Daniel - I can see it!
-Person exactly like you to be like your person to talk too : GABBY, OF COURSE! *giggles*
-Drama Queen: I can see Gerard being the biggest drama queen of all for some reason..
-The loner: JBW
-The peacemaker: Groff/Creel
- The trouble Maker: Theo/Gerard
-The scholar: Gavin Creel
-Try to find a way off the island : Gideon Glick (he is homesick)
-The adventurer: Blake Daniel always tries to find the best trees as he explores the land!
-The flirter: Theo is the biggest flirt. No joke. HE IS THEOSEXUAL~
-First one to resort to canbilism: JBW
I guess to keep this island going you've got to multiply..pair the people based on who would make the cutest babies together.
1. Wright/Glick
2. Groff/Gallagher
3. Stockman/Kober
Then who would be happiest making the babies
{Future} you FINALLY get off this stupid island..whose the person thats going to..
-Miss the Island : Gavin Creel
-Check into a mental hospital : Gideon Glick
-Write a Book/go public about it: Jonathan Groff/Gabby will write slash!
-Create a reality show about it: Theo Stockman
-Never come out of their house again: Blake Daniel
-Become rich: Andrew Kober
-Live a seemingly normal life: Anthony Hollock
-Get stuck on another Island: Gerard Canonico
-Never travel again: John Gallagher, Jr.