One Of Those Days,,,,,,,,,,,,,(--)

Jun 07, 2004 12:03

x0tourniquet0x's LJ stalker is rustfromtears!rustfromtears is stalking you because you are really good at bowling. They are also deluded!

LJ Stalker Finder
Yesterday morning sucked MAJORLY.

I woke up, and then we went to Sunday School cause I have a play that we're working on, and I unfortunately now HAVE to be there. And mom and dad went to their Sunday School. So we're a half hour late,on the stairs I saw Liz and she looked really worn out and said she was tired. And I get down stairs and Gillian, Mariah, Ben, Kyle, and Connor are all playting fuseball..and I was like "okkkkk". Bobby(leader) wasn't there and didn't show up at all, and no one knew where he was. So I played fuseball for a little while and had to put up with Mariah and Ben's shit. And Mariah and Gillian referring to each other as "girlfriend" in this annoying drawly voice every time they spoke to eachother: "Go Girlfriennnnnd" "You know what I mean Girlfriennnnnd?!" "Totally Girlfriennnnd!!"
I was about ready to freakin rip off Mariah's head. And Ryan wouldn't take my place when I asked him to in the game. And then Mariah and Ben can't take a joke and then Ben started calling me 'prideful' blahblahblah. And then when there was only 5 min. left before church Ben takes control of the class and starts barking orders about the play...and then in 5sec. he just leaves 7 of us with ONE script to work with. So then Gillian and Liz ask us to stand in since no one in this one scene was there. So Gillian, Kyle and I are standing there about to read our line when Liz goes:
"Wait! what are you doing?! None of you are in this scene! Why are you here?!"
And in my head I was like 'cause u told us to stand in...' but out loud and jokingly I said "I don't know Liz, why are you here?"
Now did that sound mean, and angry?? No.
But Liz then gets all emotional and says
"Ok, Listen. I know you angry at some poepl here but you really need to tone it down."
ME: "What? What are you talking about? I'm not mad."
LIZ: *(unbelieving look)*
ME: Liz I"m not mad. I was joking!
LIZ: Yah well, you say you were joking, but there was more to it.
ME: Liz! There wasn't more to it! It was a joke!
Liz: *(unbelieving look)*
ME: My god!
Liz: *(shakes her head and leaves)*
She acts as if she knows better than I do about what I was thinking! Like she says I was angry so therefore I was friggin angry! And I had to put up with Mariah and Ben and other stupid people telling me I'm mean. Most of the people who say that are joking though. But dumbasses like Mariah and Ben think the people are being serious and automatically label me as mean. If you aren't cheery and smiling and telling stupid cutesy jokes, then you're mean and angry. The pastor thinks I'm a horrible influence on his daughter because I listen to rock music (christian and Non-christian). But he thinks the Mancroni's are wonderful. Well sprry if I don't dress with my pants buckled up at my ribcaged and my flower-printed shirt tucked in. I mean what the hell!?!?
I used to really like this church. The people were nice and mellow, they didn't judge if you came in rags or in a ball gown..they just didn't give a care, they were just happy to see you. But now, I go to church in a skirt and knee high boots and I"m a horrible example. Every  one is changing and if you don't change with them, you get treated like you're and evil siiner.
Oh! Back to my day:
Then when Liz left we finished the freaking scene and then headed up stairs cause church was starting. But luckily I didn't have to go to church because we were going out to see my grandma. And up stairs Liz and this ass named Michael Bloss...(he's in the military..and is such a prick) were there. And I had nothing to be ashamed of or akward about, so I said "goodbye" to Liz as I would any day. And she just laughed at something Michael said and just gave me this wierd smiling look..and she looked like she had been crying, but since I'm "mean" it didn't pull at my heart one bit. And finally she said "bye" with this attitude that told me That she thought I was having a tantrum. Ok, she may be married and 20, and I'm still in high school...but that doesn't give her anyhting that she can hold over my head. She doesn't know shit about me, or what I think, or who I am. She just thinks she does. No one from the frigiing church knows what I'm really like except for Mary, Matt, and probly Joy. That's all. Everyone else has this false idea of what I"m like. They have no idea.
But anyway, again, Back to my day:
So then as I was leaving Michael Bloss was like "Hey, who gave you permission to leave?!"
And he was joking in the way he said it, but it was bothering him that I wasn't going to go to church.
And I told him about going to my grandmothers and he was like "Well no one gave you permission to leave" and with this, he was joking too. And then I muttered under my breath "ohh well." and walked out and when I was walking down the steps I knew that Liz was telling him something to the effect of me "havung a hard time" or "dealing with some problems" when I friggin wasn't! And then as I was walking toward our car Michael comes out and says "Well, we'll pray for yo anyway!" And he wasn't joking and seriously thought I was basically sinning for not going to church that Sunday. I mean what the hell?!?1? Going to church doesn't make you a freaking Christian. It's the choice of accepting Jesus and then letting Him inot your life. Yah, church is good for Christian fellowship, and for you to grow in Christ. But if someone doesn't go to church ALL the time, or doesn't go to YOUR church. That doesn't label them as "turning from God" or "church-hoppers"
That whole friggin church is really getting to me. They're all such a bunch of hypocrites..and just for the record, NOT ALL CHURCHES ARE LIKE THIS ONE. There are some really good churches..I don't want my rant to make all Christians look bad......
But even though I just want to go balistic and punch everyone who's being an ass there. I don't want to leave yet. I love my real friends that are their and I"m soo sick of moving around and havig to get resituated and making more new friends. I like the friends that I have right now and I don't want to leave them. Now after this rant, I'm able to laugh at those dumbasses at the church....And I don't know how I let them bother me...they're really all just stupid. And they're just people. And they're definatey not God, so what the hell?! They have no control over me and no say in what I think or do. And they are so sensitive, that onc you say your piece some will just walk away and cry. They just annoy me. I like the ones who stand up when confronted and deal with the problem straight out and are able to admit that they're wrong instead of just pointing the finger and then hiding. I mean, if Christ brings us together, then you should be able to confront one another when you have a problem, and not just blame and run away and judge.

Ugh, I just need to stop thinking about just gets me more annoyed and aggravated...
And I still need to talk to Matt...I haven't seen him at all lately. And I won't see him for another week because I'm going to Phoebe's last yearly graduation thing at GCS before she goes to her new high school....It should be interesting....that's a whole other rant, that I really don't feel like getting into....this rant I wrote is just annyoing to me.....ok, I've seriously got to stop dwelling on this..... The good about that day is that we went out to my grandparents and ate GREAT food!! And had Banana Splits, pudding, cookies, whatever..and I didn't have to excercise or anything, and just was able to relax. I watched clabe TV but I missed all the anime that was on...and I walked my dog in the rain and was able to blow off some steam. And I woke up today with only a little bit of a headache, that went away cause I still didn't get to bed at a good time last night. And I need to get some sleep, or else I"ll get sick....but I"m hungry and I'm going to stop typing now...I have math I need to do (--)
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