mmkay soo i was thinking about how different i was back in the school year from now. i dont know why, but anywho.. i wanted to dress up like i did back then and compare it to now, so here are the pictures..
ashie oh em gee! like i just told you on aim, that first pic so doesnt look like you! holy crap!! im sorry you're going through this whole thing! honestly, i dont care how you dress! as long as you are the same funny, decent, caring girl ive come to know and love! and im not just saying that to make you feel better because you know DAMN well im not like that! i love you ashley, and people that care so much about how you dress are retarded and totally dont deserve the time of day! your TRUE friends love you no matter what! *sobs quietly after reading the stuff i just wrote cuz its just so heartfelt* love you ashie!
a million billion gillion zillion quadrillion kudos!
haah fuck yes a *star* story!!! yeah i know, but idk why i even thought about that but anyway, i kinda needed to get that out. i really do think the old me would beat the new me up though dont you agree?
ahhh yes i love you jessi. you always make me feel better!! and yes you are a true friend that stayed throughout this whole thing andi know you dont care about what i look like and whatnot. ill always be the hott sexy kinky ashley, hahahaha!! totally just kidding!! anywho...yea *hug* hahah omgggg
yeah..the old you would beat up the new you...but its a good thing they'll never meet cuz i dont want you to get beaten up! im glad i made you feel better!!! lol but yeah u WILL always be the hott sexy kinky ashley to me! haha ur *star* story was SO better than mine haha! love youuuu!!
I like both you's (woo we're talking like your s skitzophrenic or something!)...but I must admit I did VERY much like the "old" you..I think I complimented you like every time I saw you. ♥
Comments 7
a million billion gillion zillion quadrillion kudos!
♥♥ALWAYS- hoho
ahhh yes i love you jessi. you always make me feel better!! and yes you are a true friend that stayed throughout this whole thing andi know you dont care about what i look like and whatnot. ill always be the hott sexy kinky ashley, hahahaha!! totally just kidding!! anywho...yea *hug* hahah omgggg
i love you. ♥
*applauds for jessi's actions because now she feels better*
yea i forgot what else i was gonna say, but involves both of us so it must be one HOTT SEXY KINKY comment!!!
i love you homie. ♥
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