once again, me and bryan are in a fight over something stupid. i dont even noe if i want to be sry or try to fix things because even if i do, hes gunna be mad at me for something else, and it just doesnt seem worth it, i love him too death, but i just cant take being sad all the time cuz of him, and then theres kara, whos alwayz walking around
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Comments 4
go hang out with darrin youll feel better.
i<3 you!
(")(") {Somebunny luvs you!}
Some aren't.
(Bryan, yup, what I'm about to say is totallly going to make you hate me more but fuck you...)
He gets pleasure of making people feel bad, it makes him feel like he has some kind of power over you.
It took me a long time to believe it. Christian, Steve, and even his own cousin Lee warned me of his ways, but I didn't listen.
You should. Just look at what happened to me.
I can't say its not my fault, but his repurcussion was a lot worse than any harm I caused.
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