Title: Untitled
Type: Unfinished Story
Rating: R
Category: Humour/Romance
Warning: Slash
Characters: Rin, Unnamed, Unnamed, Unnamed, Unnamed
Pairing(s): None (at the moment)
Summary: The only way to summarize this would be by using random words: Dance class, slutty brothers, Eminem poseur, tanned slut, cross-dressing teacher, the weirdest town ever.
"Shit..." a low grumble traveled from the back of my throat and out of my dry mouth, my hand grabbing blindly at the alarm clock, attempting to slam the snooze button with my fist. Eight thirty-one AM. I had informed my brother that I wanted to get up at eight to take a walk around the new neighborhood to get used to it. Why hadn't my older brother woken me up? Honestly, he could be so useless sometimes. You would think that because he's taken care of my by himself for so long, he would be very mature. But he's basically the exact opposite.
I trudged to my closet and shoved the white sliding door open, revealing several t-shirts all ironed and ready to put on. A black shirt that said "Loves to dance" was my choice. This shirt was my favorite, because I really did love to dance, not to mention it was quite a task to find a shirt with such wording in the Boys' Department at the store.
Eight fourty-five. God, why couldn't I be like all the other sane boys who only took about five minutes to get ready, at most. I grabbed my black and red backpack, which was full of snacks, since I didn't eat breakfast, and a notebook with a pencil, just because...well, you never know when you'll need to write something down, and jolted out of my room and down the steps, only to be confronted with a horiffic scene.
"Oh, Lord, do you guys honestly have to have sex on the COUCH!?" I managed to squeal. What a sight to wake up to in the morning. My brother was on top of his newest boyfriend, each of them totally nude. Actually, I wasn't even aware that my brother had a new boyfriend, considering we just moved to this city yesterday. Hurridly, I covered my eyes with my hands and stuck my tongue out, showing them how digusting I thought they were.
"Hm? Oh, hey, Rin, didn't see you there. What's the fuss about? Want to join us?" Yukio, my brother, winked at me.
Ew. Like I would ever want to do that.
My brother opened his mouth to say somthing to me, but it was cut off by a moan emitting from him, which was the result of his boyfriend nipping at his neck. After giggling slightly, he said, "You better get a move on, or you'll miss your dance class."
"Dance class!? What!?" I exclaimed, confused. I had never signed up for any dance class in this town, considering we had just moved in yesterday. Actually, I was completely unaware that this place even had a dance studio.
"Yup, dance class. I signed you up for intermediate level, or whatever the hell you dancers call the normal...um...level of...dancing. And you have to go find that place yourself. I can't drive you. I'm busy, as you can see. Here's the address," Yukio said, reaching into his jeans (which were thrown on the floor) and getting out a white, folded piece of paper, handing it to me.
"Whatever," I sighed, rolling my eyes and snatching the piece of paper, heading out the door. My brother was the most idiotic, slutty brother in the world. He was one-of-a-kind, that was for sure. At least he provided me with whatever I needed, including lots of things that I wanted. Then again, he also gave me lots of things I didn't want.
Glancing at the address on the crinkled paper, I realized that I was at the right place. It was fairly fancy, and only about one block away from our house. From the looks of it, it just might be normal, just the opposite of brother. I placed my pale hand over the doorknob on the creamy-colored door and twisted it, then pushed; the door wouldn't budge. As I leaned in towards it to give it another shove, I heard voices inside.
"Dammit, get off of me, you slut!" came a voice. It was a boy, about my age; fifteen; and his voice was a bit lower than mine.
"I'm stretchiiiiiiiiing!" another voice complained. This one sounded a bit higher than mine, but sounded older than I did.
"Why don't you stretch like a freakin' normal person?"
"This is...better! Kyaaaaa, I can't touch the ground! Shit!"
"That's your fault for being upside down, freakin' idiot."
"Oh, shut up! Just bend backwards so I can reach the ground..."
"How about I throw you off of me instead?"
"Don't do thaaaaaaat! What if I get huuuurt?!"
"Geez, you whine too much."
Alright, that was just...odd. It left me going, "What the fuck?!" For a second, I thought that I should just back away and not go into that class, but if I went back home, then I would either a.) have to see my brother having sex with his boyfriend, or b.) get yelled at, among other things, for skipping class. I would much rather face these two than face my brother. At least, that was my decision at the moment. With quite a few doubts in my mind, I gave the door one more shove, a creaking noise filling the room.
The first thing I saw when I entered was just...creepy; that's all I can describe it as. There was a boy with blonde hair, light skin, and blue eyes; he must've been American; wearing blue and red. A basball cap was on his head, a jacket on his torso, and pocket-less pants on his hips, striped tennis shoes covering his feet.
He sort of reminded me of Eminem.
The second guy I saw had his shoe-less feet around the blonde guy's neck, and was desperately trying to touch the ground with his long, tanned hands, but to no avail. A look of desperation covered his face, which was small and dotted with brown freckles.
He reminded me of what those whores on television look like.