Trend Whores SUCK!

Jul 22, 2005 20:55

I give all credit to wyoming_hooker( for writing this:

I'm sure you're all familiar with the concept of a "trend." It's something that becomes extremely popular then burns itself out; the life of a trend is short and sweet. With every trend, there are those that adopt it quickly and change their lifestyle just because of it. It doesn't matter what the trend is, they become "into it" just because everyone else is doing it.

These people are what I call "trend whores." I hate trend whores.

The trend whore of today would perhaps be one that looks somewhat punk. This is because a hybrid of punk and preppy is the current style. I hate this trend, naturally. He or she will tend to wear jeans that are worn, most likely from a store like Abercrombie & Fitch or Pac Sun, and a plain T-shirt. They will, naturally, carry a cell phone.

A cell phone is a big indicator of the trend whore, for a trend whore has a phone not because he or she sees the use of such a device in an emergency situation, but because everyone else has a cell phone. So, naturally, the trend whore must have one as well. Many trend whores have cell phones with special covers and ring tones; this is not that much of an indicator of trend whore status, but it certainly doesn't help in NOT categorizing one in such a manner.

The trend whore is unaware of his/her status as one that follows trends. They congregate with other trend whores so they blind themselves to the truth. Others--non trend whores--categorize the others as such and scorn them for their trendy status. For you see, trend whores have the personality of brick: it simply does not exist. They are as vacuous as space itself. Because they are quick to adopt something new, their personality is constantly in a state of flux. This is not to say they are all ####, but they do tend to be snobs toward those that are not trend whores--those that realize following what's hip is a shallow and empty road.

Trend whores are shallow as well. They have no personalities, so of course that wouldn't be high on their list of turn-ons. The only thing they are interested in is someone with a hot bod and a nice face. They tend to consider the models in the Abercrombie & Fitch catalogs to be the paragon of good looks; nevermind the fact that models have a very short shelf life and tend to "go ugly" very soon. Trend whores also tend to date each other; both lack any sort of depth and personality so they acknowledge in the other themselves. They are obsessed with themselves so they date those that are exactly like them. It would take a rather severe happening to give them more depth than a kiddie pool.

Trend whores have the herd mentality. As a group they're quick to adopt new things so they rely on their friends a lot. They want their friends there with them; it doesn't occur to them that maybe they should grow the balls needed to deal with things on their own. None of them are even slightly familiar with the idea of independence and self-reliance; I'm sure Ralph Waldo Emerson would cry if he ever met a trend whore. Trend whore females have no clue what feminism is; they've heard of it, but their opinion has been skewed by the neo-feminists of NOW. They think a "feminist" is a lesbian. Because trend whores change their minds quite a bit, they end up being the tragically single; it is not uncommon for a trend whore to have not been married by the time he or she is 30. Since they have no stability in their lives and personalities, they are retarded in the dating world. They don't know what they want, so they'll marry because they're getting older.

The trend whore is extremely social. Their weekends are spent on a constant quest to go to the most "happening" place, be it a party or a club. It's never a dull moment with a trend whore, but who gives a about whether or not a club is "phat"? Trend whores do of course! They strive to be the most pathetically hip; if something is stale, they won't do it. The attention span of a trend whore is quite short due to their addiction to new things; having a conversation with one is like pulling teeth out of an alligator on acid.

Language is a big part of the trend whore's life since language is in a constant state of flux. Horrible words such as "phat" and "tight" and "dude" populate the vocabulary of the trend whore. Once these words have run their course they are discarded; or, if the word has the lexiconical virility to become part of the current trendy lingo they remain for some time. Of course, to the trend whore, words move in and out of their vocabulary quickly. With their short attention spans, it's not uncommon for a word to wear out its use in only a few months time.

Media also factors into the trend whore equation. Trend whores are just as shallow as the flavor-of-the-month celebs they worship. Celebrity, you see, is a big part of the trend whore's life; he or she wants to be one because they are so desparate for attention (trend whore parents are non-existent entities so their children desire lots of attention). Reality TV has given trend whores a medium in which to spread their vacuousness; 90% of the contestants on reality TV shows are trend whores. American Idol, in particular, are havens for trend whores; they see that shallow load of crap is their ticket to stardom and attention. Blind Date is another good show to spot a trend whore in its natural habitat. Celebrity culture is driven by trend whores since the latter are quick to annoint someone as the NEXT BIG THING quickly; nevermind said celeb is most likely an untalented waste of carbon.

Trend whores don't know what they want to do with their lives so they end up in a deadend job they constantly bitch about. Since they were so quick to adopt new things, they didn't stop and think about the long-term problems the New would give them. Teenage trend whores work at coffee shops like Starbucks. They work here not because they see themselves having a future at the World's Most Evil Corporation, but because coffee is now hip among teenagers.

Gurl has a lot of trend whores. Most of those that hate me are whores because I am NOT a trend whore. I'm much too cynical and stubborn to ever be a part of the great, brainless, pathetically hip masses. I'm not sure what a trend whore on Gurl looks like, but I do know that lots of HTML in your crappy, pointless posts certainly doesn't help in NOT making you one.

Ooooh. Look at me with my Ashlee haircut and me black nailpolish. Oh my god, I'm sick of that stupid haircut! EVERYONE has it now. And I'm sick of black plastic glasses, I know I got a pair but I had them waaay before they were cool, in like 6th grade. It annoys the heck outta me. Whoo I'm punk. I'm wearing a Led Zepplin t-shirt but, I DON'T KNOW WHO THEY ARE! HAH! GRRRRRRRRowl

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