AGE: 26
EMAIL ADDRESS: laurenwhitehouse[at]gmail[com]
IM SCREENNAME AND SERVICE: Plurk: Pinikir MSN: lovehorsesandlegolas[at]hotmail[dot]com
NAME: Laura Kinney || X-23
AGE: 17
FANDOM/MEDIUM: Marvel Earth 616, X-men
CANON PULL-POINT: Laura is taken from just after ‘Not Forgotten’ when her arms is regrown and her claws her inserted back in.
Laura is the female clone of Wolverine, created from Wolverine’s genes with the result that her mutant powers are simliar to his. Like Wolverine her main ability is an accelerated healing factor that allows her to regenerate damaged or destroyed tissues and cells a great deal faster than the average person, for example injuries such as a gunshot or a slash heal with in minutes. She can regenerate large areas of herself. When she and Daken were caught in a blast and shown as near skeletons, she emerged from the blast, healing herself. Laua can also regrow severed limbs. Kimumra, her handler severed her arm from her body and Laura was able to regrow it, this took days to do.
The accelerated healing system does have an effect on her immune system making her immiune to most diseases and infections. One noticeable being the Legacy Virus which nearly killed her. Drugs and toxins can effect her in sufficient doses and Laura is deeply affected by the trigger which was designed to ensure it would always make hr kill her target.
THe healing factor also heightens Laura’s physical senses, strength, stamina, agility, and reflexes to superhuman levels. Like Wolverine, X-23 possesses retractable bone claws, however unlike him she has two claws in each hand which emerge from her fists and she also has a singe claw in each foot. These claws were taken out of her body by Zander Rice, sharpened, coated with adamantium, and reinserted into her body. The adamantium claws are virtually unbreakable and capable of cutting almost any substance.
Laura was trained to be a killer and is also proficient in hand to hand combat, fire arms and explosives.
At first glance Laura looks like your typical woman, just a little too calm and quiet for her age. Underneath the surface however there is a lot of emotion and thought that are hidden behind this front, stemming back from how she has been shaped since she was born.
Laura is a clone and was born and grew up in a laboratory. The laboratory had a highly controlled environment, where all her training and development was done to turn her into a living weapon. Consequently only proper language was used around her and she speaks English in it’s purest form, and she rarely uses slang as she was not exposed to any for it until she was a teenager living in the streets of New York.
In the laboratory, Laura was never mollycoddled, and was never taught how to express an opinion or to make social chit chat. Her talk was mostly limited to orders and affirming orders. This has made Laura seem very withdrawn as she rarely speaks more than one or two sentences at a time. She is also less likely to be the person to start a conversation unless there is something specific that she needs to say or ask as she does not need see the need to waste time and words on pointless chat.
The lack of conversation and social interaction when Laura was young was part of the process of turning her into a mindless, controllable killer. They wanted her to have no emotion or feelings. They tried methods such as making her kill a puppy that she had been allowed as a pet. Laura displays distress at this and after she finds she has killed her sensei under the trigger drug. She had been unable to kill him under a direct order. These experiences taught her that the deaths would happen no matter what and they succeeded in turning her into a highly skilled and trained combatant; who is able to kill dozens of heavily armed opponents during a single encounter. However, they did not succeed in beating the humanity out of her. Laura continued showed signs of humanity and emotion; in one particular mission when X-23 was assigned to assassinate Martin Sutter and his family, she killed Sutter and his wife without hesitation, but she spared their young son, Henry.
Laura does not show her emotion in a normal fashion as these were denied to herWhen the average teenager has a problem or is upset they find something to lash out at or they go to a friend or family member who will comfort them or give them a hug. Laura does none of these. When she was a child, her mother Dr. Sarah Kinney, did her best to ensure Laura retained some semblance of humanity by spending time with her and reading to her. However in the tightly controlled environment she had to rebuff Laura’s advances; Laura tried to place her head into her mother’s lap and got pushed away. She associates pain, loneliness and emotion as something that she must deal with alone. The only way she found to deal with this, and still deals with emotions she cannot express is to self harm by cutting herself with her claws.
After joining the X-men Laura began to improve in her interaction with other people. She joined the team the New X-men and attended the Xavier Institute, where was always surrounded by other people. Laura adapts to her environments, on a mission she will play a part to gain access to the target, in the school she watched, trying to learn what was expected of her. Julian Keller, noticed her, and called her weird. He was the first person to interact with her, even if it was in a negative fashion. She showed she cared by watching him, when he was injured, she perched by his bed at night, and even defended him in a fight. Eventually Laura began to develop a romantic interest in him, but she has said herself that she does not understand what she feels for him.
Laura also begins to show feelings enough to develop friendships. One time when she runs off from Julian she goes to cut herself and her team mate Mercury found her. Meucury placed an arm around her and talked to her. Laura did not pull away and a bond of sorts developed. When Mercury was kidnapped Laura went after her to rescue her.
Laura is secretive and does not share information about herself easily. She tells information about herself on a need to know basis. When she does she is very fact or fact and calm, even about the torture that she received at the hands of Weapon X. She has a no nonsense attitude towards situations and analyses them. She is also clever and has a wide range of facts. When she is talking in a conversation, she still prefers to state the facts rather than give an opinion. She has still to learn how to develop her own opinion on many things and still has has trouble comprehending and expressing the many new emotions she has been experiencing for the very first time.
WORLD: Laura is part of the Marvel MultiUniverse. Many of events of history and locations are the same in the Marvel Universe are the same, however there are events such as Genosha and M Day which are events and history contained only within the Multiuniverse
The universe has got its normal people but it also contains superheroes, those either born with mutant gene or those given their powers through an accident such as a spider bite or by design from a laboratory. Gods from different mythologies, and magic are also real.
The X-men, the mutants, over the course of the years have tried to hide their identity behind costumes and code names. Mutants are often feared and hated by large pockets of the general public as they get blamed for deaths and incidents and they are feared for how powerful they are.
Since M Day they have gone more public but old fears still remain.
There was a faint rustling in the undergrowth which the average person would not have paid any head to. Laura was not your average person and paused to sniff the air. Rabbit, she identified the smell coming from the undergrowth. A rabbit would not feed many people however she was yet to find the tracks of larger prey. If she ignored the rabbit and found little other prey she would fail in her mission to bring good to the wagons. Laura did not want to fail her mission.
Laura popped the claws on her left hand, there was a brief second of pain is they broke through the skin but it was barely noticeable to her as it was an every day occurrence. She approached the patch of undergrowth silently and stabbed quickly down on the spot that she had identified the rabbit before it had a chance to escape. In an instant she had the rabbit picked up by the scruff of the neck and deposited it into her sack so it would not get in the way of further hunting. Confidently she continued down the trail.
It was the third day on the trail and Laura was not perturbed by her new surroundings. She had been taken out of her reality before without warning and this place she identified as being better to end up than Limbo. Already, she felt freer here. The rules and the way of life were simpler and they would not be able to find her here. Also people did not know her past, which meant, for the first time in a group of people she was not being judged as an assassin and killer.
[the video clicks on and it immediately comes into focus on green eyes that stare unwaveringly down the video at whoever is viewing. She speaks with a no nonsense attitude] This another dimension. The smells are sharper here, they are not masked by pollution.
[she moves the camera around to show the interior of the wagon that she is riding in] This is more comfortable than a cell [there is a pause while she listens to the person who is riding in the wagon with her]
I am told that I should ask if there are any other hunters who would work with me. Reply to the video if you are interested.
NOTES: Anything else that you want let me know!