pink x3 casey = me
pink x3 casey: Casey called taylor, her fingers were drumming on her leg, the anticipation was killing her.
Tay LUVs ux3: Taylor answered her phone"hello?"
pink x3 casey: " look, i need to talk to you, can you come over?"
Tay LUVs ux3: "yeah..whats going on?"
pink x3 casey: " We just.. Need to talk, in person. Come over okay?"
Tay LUVs ux3: "alright, be there in a few" Taylor hung up,and drove over to caseys.Curious of what she needed to talk to her about.Once she arrived she got out,and knocked on the door
pink x3 casey: Casey got off of her bed and smoothed out her skirt, then walked to the door, her hands were shaking but she opened the door. " Oh hey, Come in." she said, opening it wide enough for her to come inside.
Tay LUVs ux3: She slowly walked in "your not gonna kill me or anything are you?"she smirked
pink x3 casey: She laughed a little " oh acourse not, we just.. have to talk about something." she motioned for her to follow her to the couch. Casey sat down and looked at her.
Tay LUVs ux3: She sat down"talk about what?"
pink x3 casey: Casey took a deep sigh and looked at taylor " Well, Ill get right to the point... Me and tommy, tommy and i.." she was just drawing it out. " We sort of.. slept together last night."
Tay LUVs ux3: "WHAT!"she said with fry in her eyes"CASEy what the hell kind of friend does that!"
pink x3 casey: Casey put her head in her hands " Im sorry tay, look.. im really sorry, we were caught up in the moment.. im so sorry." she started crying, but acourse.. they were muffled by her hands.
Tay LUVs ux3: "yeah, well sorry doesn't cut it, does it? sorry can't take back time can it?
pink x3 casey: " Taylor dont do this to me! " Casey looked up at her " We've been best friends for like.. ever.. dont let him ruin us, please.."
Tay LUVs ux3: "it's not just's YOU did to"
pink x3 casey: " Taylor, Im sorry, thats all i can say.." Her eyes met taylors, and she knew this was the end of there friendship. Tears were streaming down her face.
Monday, August 01th @ 2:04pm
Well well.. You finally made it to my ever so wonderfull EL-JAY! Congratulations, there must be some sort of prize. Ehh. Well i guess this first post is sposta be all about me;;muah;;petey. Well i guess i can tell you some stuff.. My name is Peter Rose Wentz. Yes you heard me right, My middle name is rose. My mom was a hippie back in the 80's and decided to make my middle name.. her first name. She dident care that i was a guy and had a fricken penis, Oh no that would be way too much thinking for her. When i was 8 years old, The child services found me at my house and i got put in foster care, due to the fact my mom was a druggie whore prostitute bitch cunt whore slut.. bitch. Okay yes, if you cant tell, i hate my mother.. Oh well, You gotta hate some people in your life, ehh? but anyways.. When i was 9 i was adopted by my new family the Johnsons, they were goody good suburban stuck up rich preppy people.. Oh well, they were better than living in a shack with my mother.. When i was 16 they sent me here, to Kenton. . And ive lived here ever since. I love it.. Anyways, i have a bunch of friends at this school.. I dont think i could make it with out them. They make my life wonderfull! -insert rainbows and butterflys here-. Im also in a band named Fall Out Boy . We are a small indie hometown group.. I guess were okay. I play bass in it, and sometimes vocals. We so totally rock dude!... rofl. Im best friends with my band members. Oh yeah, and im also Bi. I dont care what you say about it, you can get over it. I like guys, I like girls. There both really hott.. Oh well end of story. Right now im single and loving it.. Even tho a girl/guy in my life wouldent be so bad.. -sigh- someone to occupy those lonley cold dorm room nights.. Oh well enough emotastic petey for you!
I gotta head out tho, Band practice in 5.
love me. Duh.
[from ]
July 29th, 2005
[ mood | angry ]
[ music | ... None? ]
Dont you wish you sometimes never met someone because in the end they stabbed you in the back?! well i can name one person at this school that is a backstabber.. but i would rather keep that to myself.
Wow, Mrs.Kenton finally has an enemy. I'm very proud about that too. I've never had an enemy before, this might be fun.
Im guess im weird also? I never knew this before. In my eyes im a normal everyday LA seventeen year old, i may be a bit stuck up and full of myself but what do you really expect from me?!
People i thought were my friends are now turning there back on me, people i thought i knew so well are now ruining everything. I hate you, and soon enough you will get whats coming too you.. and when you do you will wish you never knew me.
exs and ohs,
July 31st, 2005
[ mood | ... loved. yet stupid.. ]
[ music | FOB: Dance,Dance ]
I fucked up, and i fucked up REALLY bad. That party was a bad idea, My ankle is still swolen and i have a couple scratches. I dont think emily will ever talk to me again, and jake probley thinks im way more fucked up then he did before.
Im done now tho, i threw them all away, washed a bunch of them down the sink. All together i found about 200 different kinds around my dorm room. I guess im gunna try to get over this addiction cold turkey, but i dont know how easy that will be.. All together i hope everyone can forgive me. Im done with that.
Im susprised that blaize is still even talking to me, i went over there today and was shocked at the fact that he wasent mad at me or ignoring me. It wouldent be so bad, I deserve what ever i get. I was stupid, and i was retarded.
I still dont understand why i did it, My life has been perfect for the last couple days, i really had no reason to do it. I guess i just wanted to have fun.. But falling out of a second floor window isent fun to me. Maybe to you guys it is, but not when your reputation is on the line.. Im lucky the dean dident find out..
Blaize, Im sorry with all my heart. I was a loser and a retard yesterday, i dont want to loose you over this, and hopefully you can forgive me. I really really love you like spending time with you, and im hoping what happened last night wont change any of it. I would hate for us to be akward.. Whatever 'us' means.
Lauren, I dont know what the fuck i was talking about when i wrote that entry... To my own susprise i found it the next morning, not even knowing why i did it. I was preety fucked up that night, along with last night, and im sorry for being such a bitch. You dont have to forgive me, but its worth a shot to try.
well i got to go.. I have a few places to go tonight.. Blaizes dorm.. Apologys are better in person.and i dont want to be late. Hit up the sidekick if you need me. I promise ill answer, and if i dont.. Then.. Whatever. lol.
exs and ohs,
[the above two entrys are from ]