My Puppy Thorr! Hes soooo big Now!
My love...Stewy :]
Sarah and I
Jessica and, we dont even look like that anymore
Jessica!!<3 :]
Jaimie looking stoned, hahaha.
Me and Jess :]
Me, Jeremy, and Jessica at one of the football games. Jess looks like a ghost, haha.
Jessica, Me, Ashley, and Sarah<3.
Janis and I. She is so pretty.
Me, Alicia, and Sarah :]
Me and Mel<3 I Love That Picturee!
Me being cool :] O yes!
My pretty cousin<3
Me and Sarah acting gay ;]She did my make-up and I did herr:-p
The love of my life and myself...<3<3<3 I Love Him Soo Mucch<333
Erica, Me, Alyssa, and Mel :] That was One Funny Day!
Mike<3<3 And Jeremy.
I Love You Mike!