Title: Disaster in Decorations
Challenge: 100 Super Junior Fics
Prompt: 002. Christmas
Status: 2/100
Pairing: Heechul/Ryeowook
Rating: PG
Summary: What happens when Heechul is put in charge of Christmas decoration, with innocent Ryeowook? Anything can...
Word Count: 470
“I don’t get it Heenim.” I cocked my head, and scratched it. “How does this have to do anything with Christmas? I just don’t get it.”
He looked at me for a few seconds, and replied,”Maybe it’s because I haven’t put them up yet, Ryeowook-sshi”
“Why so formal?” I mumbled. “Thought we were closer than that…” I finished than started talking out loud again.“Even as they lay there, I see no resemblance to Leeteuk-hyung’s plans for the decorations… It looks opposite actually.”
I picked up something… It looked weird.. “What is this?!? This is nowhere in the plans~!” Than the realization hit me of what it was… “AHH~! EWW~! OMO~! WHY DO YOU HAVE THIS HERE?”
“Aigoo, don’t make such a big deal of it. Not like you’ve never seen one before.” He snatched it from me hands, left from the main lobby and came back with more bags of decorations. “Now let’s start decorating before the members come home.”
I nodded and took a bag. I opened the bag and screamed. “More?!?!?!? YOU HAVE MORE? GROSSS~!!!!!”
He rolled his eyes at me and threw a different bag at me. “Aish, get over it. Just do this bag.”It didn’t hurt. It actually felt really soft. I opened the bag and the pillows had the picture of the thing I was holding.
“WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?” I was really scared to look in any other bag, just in case he had more of that thing.. I shuttered just thinking about it. I didn’t know Heenim was like this… I guess we weren’t as close as I hoped.
He went up to me and covered my mouth in case I screamed again. He smelt like a nice cologne, a really expensive, and fragrant cologne. He started speaking in a low, calming voice, that had a hint of anger. “Stop screaming or I will have to do this myself. I only asked if I could bring you along, because I wanted quality time with you. I’m sorry if it is really weird, but I hoped you would accept me for my interests. And one of them is surprising the members with this thing you call ‘gross’. I know you’ve seen it before, many times, at least once a year. So please will you help me?” His eyes, though full of anger, calmed me. And I listened.
We set up all the decorations, and when we finished I cuddled on his lap.
‘Click’ The members were home, and we sat up getting ready for their grossed out, surprised or intrigued expressions.
They all screamed in unison. “WHAT IS THIS? I ONLY SEE THIS AT NIGHT… sometimes. BUT WHAT HAVE YOU DONE? YOU HAVE RUINED OUR CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS.” We had accomplished our Christmas decoration disaster.
Heenim smirked. “How do you like the Christmas....