:::The Life of a Jew on Easter:::
::cousins came over.
::that was fun.
::we had chickie soup.
At first the teams were: me, my dad, and my uncle vs adam (my bro), jeff (my other bro), kenny and robert (my cousins): needless to say i wasn't passed the ball much because my dad and my uncle think girls are just incapable...
Then, the dad and the uncle retired and the teams morphed: me, kenny, robert vs adam and jeff...: I actually was a part of this game and it was fun...even though kenny's a ball-hog...i still got the ball more than in the other game...heh, all in all it was fun. Except as a result my typing is a bit slower because i jammed my right ring finger but it's all good.
::Then we had some turkey!
::Then video games and college basketball games left me all lonely and stuff so i called the Tamster
::We ended up talking for about 45min.
::Then the cousins left.
::And now I'm sitting here IMing Tina, and telling you all about it because you care! weeeeee