Queer Prom

May 07, 2005 22:52

I went to Queer Prom eariler tonite, but now I am home, and tired. There were some cute girls there, and some very special boys wearing dresses with legs that were far better then mine. Also, I might be on the TV with the people I know...like the Maura, and the Teal, and the Maura's sister, and the boy...and the other boy. I am tired.


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Comments 2

periewinkle May 8 2005, 16:01:50 UTC
where was this queer prom? why didn't you let beckie go. grrr at you for not wanting beckie to go. i am hurt that you don't like beckie enough to tell her about queer prom.


x5927alpha May 8 2005, 16:16:56 UTC
It was at PSU, and I didn't know about it until 7pm Friday night myself.



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