[ elementary ]
1st: i was in mrs. cook's class at Post elementary. i learned how to
spell apple really really fast and i was the only one that could color
in the lines
2nd: moved to hazard elementary in the semi-ghetto santa ana. took my
GATE test to escape from the ghetto. had some fat white lady named mrs.
hirayama. weird name. got in my first fight when a girl tripped me when
we were lining up. i pushed her and she fell. ended up getting eagle of the year. only one kid got it out of the entire school. YES go me. used to pretend we were
dinosaurs and played on the big jungle gym and dg up bones and stuff
with danny and ANH!
3rd: had the youngest, dumbest teacher. mrs. tabor. she worked at
hyundai and always had weird people in our classroom. i got straight Cs
in her class because she didn't like me. met my friends..uhh..anna,
teresa, jay, aryan, potatohead, yadda yadda
4th: i had this little shriveled up old lady for a teacher. mrs.
steege? one of those combination classes that i shared with big 5th
graders so i had second lunch. i used to pwn at magic cards. i learned
how to jump over the tunnel thing and do tricks off of the swings. i
think i learned how to say the ef word too
5th: had mrs. cole. probably the best teacher. we did everything. made
ice cream, went on 3 field trips every month to like LA and stuff. we
had kite day and i was running backwards and i hit my head on the
monkey bars. also did some drawing contest and got first place in oc.
-___- what happened...
[ middle school ]
6th: i felt like a retard at a new school . vista. i met carolyn
because i noticed she went to ethan allen. but of course i didn't knoe
she existed. met my best friend di during advisement when she was using
me for math homework. got suspended. went through this asian
thing and started chatting. dun dun dunnnn. got straight As.
7th: i was in chorus with everyone else and di, nina, carolyn and me
became really good friends. nina was my bestest friend. got suspended.
stayed afterschool all the time and did sports and stuff for fun. i
think i had straight As
8th: by far the greatest years, even compared to now. me, nina, di,
carolyn, olivia, kieu, lillian, and kim were really good friends.
lillian created the infamous m@fia and i was scarface. i stayed
afterschool everyday until i got in trouble for grades. did horribly in
algebra 1. was in yearbook. then tech drawing. did wonderfully =]. end
of the year activities owned. (disneyland. wild rivers. yosemite.
promotion). dispute with carolyn. eventually led to the fall out of
high school. nina at md. carolyn at fv, me at ov, di at marina
[ high school ]
9th: stupid drama. key club, history with hazlett, english with sloan.
met amanda. best teachers besides fuschetti. did tennis, then badmin.
got like a 4.2 gpa. won badmin mvp. got 5th off and went to all these
weird places.
10th: no sports this year. became soph. senate, key club, stayed
afterschool all the time for no reason. best friend remains to be di.
end of the year got better. 16 birthday was the best. my dog died. so
did my grandma. inheritance. talked to nina again and failed to take
apeuro. wanted to kill most of my teachers this year. and met the
infamous hanster. became part of a group. albert, brian, lillian, mai,
han and started playing CS. haha
11th: do badmin, go to dances, get better grades. be more involved in
keyclub. get parents to trust me so i can drive if i wanted to
12th: get into a good college. find a way to get out of ap/ib bio. learn to keep in touch with people. hang out more
1. what is the geekiest part of your music collection?
circus music. but it's like trance =/
2. what do you eat when you raid the fridge late at night?
not much. mostly soda and ice cream
3. what is your secret guaranteed weeping movie?
a walk to remember. it's so godly
4. if you could have plastic surgery, what would you have done?
everything. roffle
5. do you have a completely irrational fear?
umm. not really
6. what is the little physical habit that gives away your insecure moment?
i get EXTREMELY monotone and quiet when i'm pissed. my nose also gets itchy when i'm mad
7. are you a pyromaniac?
sometimes i have my urges
8. do you have too many interests?
yea. i'm like ADD. i always find something else to focus on before i finish
9. do you know anyone famous?
yea. danny shimizu. a couple people in bands. tila nguyen uhhh. those are the only people that ring a bell at the moment
10. describe your bed:
full/queen. light blue sheets, four white goose down pillows, a white goose down blanket
11. spontaneous or plan?
depends on who i'm with. after i make plans and get to that place. i
have the tendency to go off. sometimes when i wanna hang out with
"private" friends, it's like.. "let's go to a concert" -"OKAY!"
12. who should play you in a movie about your life?
a big black man
13. do you know how to play poker?
not very good at it. the only thing i can play is go fish, bullshit, 13 and speed
14. what do you carry with you at all times?
phone, drivers license. atm card, keys, gum...yea thats it
15. what do you miss most about being little?
being able to be immature w/ everyone
16. are you happy with your given name?
yea sure why not
17. how much money would it take to get you to give up the Internet for one year?
all the money in the world couldn't
18. what color is your bedroom?
the walls? white. the bed= blue and white. electronics = black. desks and stuff = wood
19. what was the last song you were listening to?
yellowcard because it's the last in the list
20. have you ever been in a play?
yea. 6th grade. antigone and a bunch in middle school. romeo and juliet. hamlet. some weird baseball one, colonial. iono. a lot
21. have you ever been in love?
22. do you talk a lot?
depends on who i'm with. i tend to be outspoken to most.
23. do you like yourself and believe in yourself?
hate myself? sometimes. i'm starting to believe in myself though
24. do transient, homeless, or starving people sometimes annoy you?
umm, homeless? yes. starving? no. we bought 50 burgers and drove around near LAX and gave them out to poor people
25. do you consider yourself to be a nice person?
depends on to who. for example....di...no
26. do you spend more time with your girlfriend/boyfriend or your friends?
even if i did have a boyfriend, i'd spend more time with friends... i think
27. what is your ideal marriage location?
in the mountains. preferably in the snow
28. which musical instrument do you wish you could play?
eh. maybe the drums
29. favorite fabric?
30. something you love and hate?
i love...snow. something i hate...people that throw chum off the pier where people try to swim and surf
31. what kind of bedding do you use?
light blue sheets. and goose down everything else
32. do you tell your friends about your sex life?
i dont have one?
33. what's the one language you want to learn?
spanish so i can do better in school. hawaiian so i can make fun of my friends and...iono. languages are hard
34. how do you eat an apple?
i have to chop it up cuz braces.
35. what do you order at a bar?
the last time i ordered anything at a bar was...mexico. and i had.. a
tequila w/ a worm, and orange juice w/ vodka i think it was and a
36. have you ever pierced your body parts?
my ears. i want my tongue. and the little nub on my ears
37. do you have tattoos?
nope. i wouldn't do that
38. would you ever admit to having done plastic surgery any kind if confronted?
yea. but i dont plan on any plastic
39. what's one of the "funniest" things you've ever done?
i ran from di in the dark at a park and ran straight into a thick ass rope. nose started bleeding
40. do you drive stick?
i can barely drive an automatic.
41. what's one trait you hate in a person?
cockyness = bad
42. what kind of watch(es) do you wear?
the one on my phone.
43. most frivolous purchase?
uhhh. computer. jeans. i spend a lot, actually
44. do you consider yourself materialistic?
yes, very
45. what do you cook the best?
um, eggs.
46. favorite writing instrument.
a lead pencil.
47. do you prefer to stand out or blend in?
depends on who i'm with. i like to be different from typical people, but not totally stand out
48. would you ever go out dressed like the opposite sex?
yes. every school day.
49. what's one car you will never buy?
a mercedes
50. what kind of books do you like to read?
umm. none
51. if you won the lottery, what would you do?
money doesnt change me. i spend like i spend.
52. burial or cremation?
53. how many online journals do you read regularly?
depends on how bored i am. mostly, friends lists
54. what's one thing you're a sore loser at?
nothing. i'd like to think i'm not superior to anyone to be a sore loser when i lose
55. if you don't like a person, how do you show it?
tell them
56. do you cry in front of friends?
depends on who
57. what kind of first impression do you think you give to people?
most people must think i'm an asshole
58. what's one thing you like to do alone?
59. are you a giver or a taker?
depends on who. but it seems even
60. when's the last time you cried?
uhh.. when my dog died. the pinscher. not the eskimo
61. favorite communication method?
depends on who i'm talking to. probably text message though
62. how many drinks before you're tipsy
uhh. one
63. do you think you're cute?
64. do you have problems changing clothes in front of friends?
i can change. but i dont strip down and then put clothes on
65. what's the most painful experience you've ever had?
i've been pretty lucky to not have any major ones. mostly...an emo friend thing.