I can't stand my laughter as they cry

May 15, 2004 14:18

Haha I started this last night.

Timeless fun...
Without looking at the clock, what time is it?: 10:24
Ha. Now look. What time is it really?: 10:22 , har har.
What year were you born?: 1991, bitches.
What month?: Fevrier.
Day?: 23
By any chance would you know the weekday? (Monday, Tueday, ect.): I want to say
saturday, but that may be a lie.
So, because people are dumbasses, and can't tell, how old are you?: That’s not my fault.

All about the rich, sultry gorgeous you....
What's your full name?: [Why do all these people I love have the middle name of Marie?
This one is a Tyger Marie as well!] Catherine Blythe Richard
What is your dumbest kid nickname?: Lily. I was called Lily for a while. And Asher, and
Sharpie, and Cat.
What's the nickname you pretend to be embarrassed by, but secretly like?: I liked all of
And what's your favorite nickname?: “Ohmacherie” it’s one word. My Cro invented it for
me. I adore it.
Where do you live?: Lac Charles, Louisiana.
How many brothers do you have?: This many.
Sisters?: None.
Do you have any stepsiblings or half-siblings, and if so, who?: No.
Who do you get along with best in your family?: My cousin. Har.
Who's easiest to talk to?: God.
Have you ever been on a family vacation, and if so, what was it?: Blah, we went back to
New York this December?

Stuff to wake you up!
How about them drugs?: Maybe not.
Alcohol?: Hardy har.
Pot?: I get beautiful contact highs. Actually, no, I don’t.
Cigarettes?: I enjoy tall lanky boys with full flavor cigarettes.
Anything else?: I’m fine, thanks.
Have you ever kissed someone romantically?: Why yes.
Have you ever made out with someone?: On many occasions.
Are you a virgin?: Indeedy.
How do you define virgin?: Someone who has not had sexual intercourse.
If you are, then how far have you gone?: I can’t say.
What's the most interesting place you've hooked up?: Those really fast spinny things at
carnivals, like the Himalaya or the Sizzler. That was different.
Have you ever sold drugs?: No.
Have you ever been paid for sexual favors?: No.
Do you know anyone who has?: Yes, actually. I witnessed it. And I laughed my face off.

Friends, I love you so...
Do you have a lot of friends?: Actually, I do.
Which friend is the funniest?: Corinne. Or my Mason or Allan.
Which friend is the most arrogant?: David.
Which friend is the sweetest?: Nathan.
Who would you eat first if you were stranded on an island?: People would eat me first, as
human isn’t vegan and I’d be dead from exposure to the sun anyway.

Would you...
Have sex with a gender you're NOT attracted to, if no-one knew?: No.
Want to erase your memory of any people or memories in particular?: No, actually..
Ever go on the Atkin's diet?: Sure, why not?
Work for the Bush administration?: I’d destroy from within.
Get a sex-change operation?: Maybe.
Dress up as the opposite sex, just for fun?: Sure.
Shoot up?: No.
Cut yourself? (Please say no): Don’t encourage me, I’m easily triggered.
Play D+D?: My Siouxsie does, why shouldn’t I?
Videotape you having sex? (or making out, if that makes you *blush*): Whatever.

Your preferences...
What sex(es) are you attracted to?: A little from column A, and a little from column B.
What age would you like your next lover to be?: Something legal, please.
Do you currently have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: Yes.
Well, are you seeing somebody who's not your boyfriend/girlfriend?: Yes.
How far would you go on a first date?: Depends.

When was the last time you...
Said a word? (Last word you said): "Motherfucker."
Cursed? (which curse?): "Motherfucker."
Kissed someone (friendly) and who?: This afternoon, Abby because she is beautiful and
wears manshorts.
Hugged someone? (and who?): This afternoon, Abby because I hugged her before I kissed
Cried?: Today, because I got macara in my eye in the car.
Made out? (and who, please tell!): Yesterday because I saw JAMES and NATHAN and
DANIEL and we had a fest.
Had sex? (Oh you know we wanna hear this one): Hm.
Went to the bathroom?: Just before I answered this question. Har.
Drove or got driven in a car?: This afternoon
Slept and didn't feel tired the next morning?: Fuck, never?

In the past month, have you...
made out?: But of course
been on a date?: No.
drank alcohol?: Yes.
smoked cigarettes?: A cigarette.
smoked marijuana?: No.
had sex?: No.
hugged someone?: Yes.
cried?: Yes..
gotten a cold?: I tend to get a new cold every Tuesday. .
threw up?: Yes.
had a hangover?: Never had one.
passed out?: Oh yeess.
dyed your hair?: Yes.
Died. If you read Shakespeare, you know what that means.: Fuck, I do read him and I've
no clue. I am going to say yes.

Last part. Random OTHER thoughts...
Do you believe that guys can have multiple orgasms?: It only seems fair.
Have you ever had multiple orgasms, and if you're bold, when?: Har har.
Which is better: Winnie the Pooh or Ernie and Bert?: Winnie, nigger.
Do you like the Spice Girls? Did you ever like them? And I know you did.: OH. HELL.


1. Nervous Habits? - I mess with my belt buckle and it looks incredibly odd, I trace over
my scars, I bounce my leg, and I shake my hands alot and pull on my bangs.

2. Are you double jointed? - Nope.

3. Can you roll your tongue? - I can fold it lengthwise AND roll it. But not at once.

4. Can you raise one eyebrow at a time? - Yessire.

5. Can you blow spit bubbles? - Yes.

6. Can you cross your eyes? - Yes.

7. Tattoos? - None, yet.

8. Piercings and where? - Four in right ear, two in left, navel, and tongue this summer.

9. Do you make your bed daily? - I. Sleep. On. The. Fucking. Couch. Bitch.


10. Which shoe goes on first? - Whichever I grab first.

11. Speaking of shoes, have you ever thrown one at anyone? I would feel empty had I not!

12. On the average, how much money do you carry in your purse/wallet? NONE.

13. What jewelry do you wear 24/7? Earrings, the bracelet I got from Meagan, and this
rainbow love bead bracelet.

14. Favorite piece of clothing? - My oh-my-goth-these-pants-are-too-long-for-me pants,
or my jean jacket .

-- FOOD --
15. Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it? - Twirl and cut.

16. Have you ever eaten Spam? - Good god, no.

17. Favorite ice cream flavor? - Pistachio.

18. How many cereals in your cabinet? None.

19. What's your favourite beverage? Dr. Pepper.

20. What's your favorite restaurant? Moveable Feast. Or Olive Garden, simply for the
beautiful men that work there.

21. Do you cook? I can make gumbo, honeys. Gumbo.


22. How often do you brush your teeth? Twice a day.

23. Hair drying method? Naturally.

24. Have you ever colored/highlighted your hair? Yup.


25. Do you swear? Like a sailor.

26. Do you ever spit? Not often


27. Animal?- Doves, moths, panthers

28. Food?- Tofu

29. Month?- November

30. Day?- Friday.

31. Cartoon?- Well, collectively, Rebekah, Abby, and my’s favorite cartoon was KaBlam
because it involved a naked plastic man.

32. Shoe Brand?- Chucks. I only own chucks, so I am not sure.

33. Subject in school?- Used to be English.

34. Color?- Ivory, wine, scarlet, gray.

35. Sport?- Volleyball to play, soccer to watch.

36. TV show?- Erm. Your mom.

37. Thing to do in the spring? Sit in the grass

38. Thing to do in the summer? Sleep all day

39. Thing to do in the fall? Walk, or dance in the rain.

40. Thing to do in the winter? Wear too much makeup and big fluffly coats


41. The CD player? Currently: Tsunami Bomb - Invasion from Within

42. Person you talk most on the phone with? Sammie

43. Ever taken a cab? Yes.

44. Do you regularly check yourself out in store windows and mirrors?- Not really.

45. What color is your bedroom?- Invisible

46. Do you use an alarm clock? God no, I’d never hear it. I have ice water thrown at me.
Every. Morning.

47. Window seat or aisle? Window.

-- LA LA LAND --

48. What's your sleeping position? All stretched out all over the place, usually.

49. Even in hot weather do you use a blanket?- It’s more like a sheet..

50. Do you snore?- No, but I cry alot in my sleep.

51. Do you sleepwalk?- No.

52. Do you talk in your sleep?- Yeah, sometimes, but you cannot tell what I am saying.

53. Do you sleep with stuffed animals? Yup.

54. How about with the light on? Usually. I’m terrified of the dark

55. Do you fall asleep with the TV or radio on? I can’t fall asleep without background

Have you ever...
Climbed a tree?: Yes.
Made out with your best friend?: Yes.
Danced in the rain?: Every single time a drop falls.
Asked someone out?: Certainly
Ate something really horrible-looking?: Undoubtfully.
Picked your nose and ate it?: Oh my, no.
Fallen in love with someone of the same sex?: Yes.
Streaked?: No.
Watched a meteor shower?: No, but I have seen so many shooting stars.
Masturbated infront of other people?: Nope, but I have had people masturbate in front of
Fallen in front of a ton of people?: Why yes
Been in a play?: Yes.
Written a really good story?: No, no.
Been published?: Nope.
Ate a bug?: I got a gnat in my eye once. Dear god.
Been in love with someone way older than you?: In lust with quite a few, with Nathan
being the oldest at 29. Oh my.
Kissed someone of the same sex?: Yes.
Been to a protest?: Indeedy.
Gotten high with a bumch of friends?: Nay
Smoked in front of your parents?: No.
Stolen something from a friend?: Yup, but they knew I was doing it.
Flirted with a random guy/girl?: All the damn time.
Played an instrument in a performance?: Guitar, har har.
Skipped school?: N.e.v.e.r.
Gone "down to the pond" (smoked at school)?: Nope!
Fingered someone (and shook her father's hand right after)?: HAHAHAH NO BUT NOW
Made out with someone you hate?: I try not to
Written someone a nasty letter?: No.
Cried over someone you loved?: Yes.
Cried over someone you didn't even know?: I’m sure.
Gone swimming in your clothes?: All the fucking time.
Taken a class you knew you'd fail?: I never knew I would fail it.
Eaten gum that someone else had already chewed (a friend)?: Gum makes me all kinds of
Been drunk with your parents?: No, but with my friends’ parents.
Danced with a guy/girl you really liked but were afraid to tell them?: I don’t dance. I’m
Run barefoot through the grass at night with your girl/boyfriend?: It’s a joy
Eaten something live?: I really hope not.
Kissed a frog?: Yes.
Kissed someone who looked like a frog?: The frog was a better kisser.
Been to summer camp?: Yes.
Had a best friend?: I have a new best friend each morning, I think it’s a silly idea.
Wanted to kill someone?: Grr.
Seen a dead person?: I have.
Wanted to kill me (lizu)?: ...possibly.

First things First
First Boy/Girlfriend?: Emm.. Well, if Cro counted, I’d say Cro. And if Cro didn’t count,
then I’d say Erich.
First hug? with who?: Ma mere?
First hand held? with who?: My mommy.
First kiss? with who?: Nikolai.
First kiss where?: In my day care.
First crush?: Nikolai.
First fantasy?: Oh, I don’t know.
First Sexual Partner?: Hah!

Current crush?: ABBY. Em, nah, Estevahn and Allan.
Current flame?: YOU, MOM. Hah.
If so,do you love them?: I love Estevahn because of his name, I love everything about
Another if so, ever gone on a break from them?: Why, a break is out of the question. What
is this “break?” Psshaw. It’s not like Corey and I EVER took breaks from one another,
only to get back together, only to need another break. No.
Does someone give your butterflies?: Why yes.

Do you want to get married?: Someday.
Have Children?: Yes.
If so how many?: 2 or 3.
What is your perfect proposal?: Honestly, I don’t know, but I’m becoming quite fond of
the cow Idea.
Ideal age to get married?: Twenty-seven.
What will you name your first daughter?: Amelie Ever
Your first son?: Nicholas Heath

name.: Caitlin
birthday.: February 23, 1991
sexual preference.: Pretty boys and gorgeous girls
eye color.: Green.
current hair color.: Black
natural hair color.: Dark auburn.
glasses / contacts.: I am supposed to wear glasses.
braces.: Never.
piercings and where.: Four in right ear, two in left, navel.
tattoos and where.: I want two small anarchy signs in the center of my palms like the
stigmata, the idea makes me giggle.
left or right handed.: Right.
what languages do you speak.: English, a decent amount of French, and Jorge is teaching
me Spanish

>> Crush/ Significant Other<<
[one set for my Caity, one for my Allan!]
their hair color.: Golden blonde!
their eye color.: Blue
favorite thing about their looks.: Her eyes, for what I have seen, they are beautiful. .
favorite thing about their personality.: She’s delightful. She makes me cry. I love her.
piercings and where.: Ears..
tattoos and where.: None.
do you love them.: Yes.
how did you meet them.: I am lucky.
when did you meet them.: Four years ago, I say?.
where did you meet them.: NEOPETS, bitches.
estimated height.: Five. foot. one!
type of underwear.: Hmm. I want to say polka dotted, because I have always wanted a
their hair color.: Dark brown!
their eye color.: Chestnut
favorite thing about their looks.: His skin. His skin is wonderful and golden, though his
scars make me weep.
favorite thing about their personality.: He is like an onion.
piercings and where.: Blahblah.. Um, right ear I think. Or left. Or right. Or both?
tattoos and where.: None.
do you love them.: Yes.
how did you meet them.: He sat next to me in English class last year because he was new
and the girl who usually had that seat was absent.
when did you meet them.: In about January last year.
where did you meet them.: Schooool, second hour, about fifteen minutes in..
estimated height.: He’s six foot one on “I’m going to be taller than Caitlin today!” days.
type of underwear.: I recently bought him a pair of pink and grey star boxers, because he
is a skinny bitch, and can wear women’s boxers, and I enjoy stars.

>> This or That <<
love // lust.: Lust.
chocolate // vanilla.: Chocolate.
fruit // veggies.: veggies.
car // truck.: Car.
snow // sunshine.: Sunshine..
clouds // rain.: I prefer warm, clear rain.
cat // dog.: cat..
summer // winter.: Summer..
fall // spring.: Fall.
pepsi // sprite.: Neither.
cellphone // regular phone.: regular phone.
livejournal // myspace.: I am an LJ whore.
internet // phone.: Phone, I love people's voices, I like hearing the laughter.
concert // cd.: Concert.
fast food // restraunt.: Restraunt.
moon // stars.: Stars.
sun // moon.: sun

>> Friends. <<
real friends or online friends.: Real friends, but I do not discriminate.
how many online only friends do you have.: Quite a few, but much less then I used to
where did you meet most of your friends.: If they are too old to attend any classes, I don’t
know, ask Nathan where he finds all these pretty people for me..
most random.: Bastion. He tried to slide across a table today and his belt got stuck on the
prettiest [girl].: Abby.
hottest [boy].: CREEPER. Holy shit.
boyfriend // girlfriend.: Allan/Tyger.
have any of your friends died.: Yes, actually. Three, and all suicides.
how many.: Three.
their favorite music.: Grunge, punk, acoustic.
how many best friends have you had.: Thousands.

>> Word association. <<
razor.: wire
guitar.: chord.
love.: is
hate.: you
sex.: please
car.: exhaust
blender.: s make too much noise
taco.: lentil
bee.: candle
glasses.: of wine
jacket.: cell phone
water.: summer
board.: Sun.
beach.: glass
polka.: dot
yellow.: Pee.
brown.: eye shadow
pink.: petal
candy.: pregnant lesbian Whitney is going out with now. [I don’t know how that
happened. Goddamn whore.]
fruit.: japanese plum

>> Have you ever. <<
tried to kill yourself.: I have
dressed up as a member of the opposite sex.: Yeah.
played strip poker.: It’s not what it’s cracked up to be
gone skydiving.: Nope.
been stung by anything.: Once I opened a door and some random flying thing stung my
right below my eye then fell to the floor, dead. I screamed. Alot.
done drugs.: Nye.
drank alcohol.: Of course
smoked anything.: Yes.
swallowed anything toxic.: Oh, my yes. And parts of earrings. I have some of those
internal piercings. More controversial than tongue-splitting, oh my!

>> So sexual. <<
are you a virgin.: Yes.
ever had a threesome.: No.
do you prefer to give or recieve.: Give, I feel guilty otherwise.
any kinky fetishes.: Yes, many..
lights on or lights off.: Candles or early evening sunlight is the only acceptable light.
fantasies.: Har har.
do you like to be spanked.: No.
do you like to be bitten.: Adore it.
do you like to be licked.: Not so much one for the spitty.
do you like to be kissed.: Adore it.
how many partners have you had doing anything sexual.: Anything? Oh my. I don’t know.

+Personal Stuff+
if you could have any power, what would it be?: Being able to read minds.
if you could change ONE thing about you, what would it be?: I wish I wasn't freakin' fat!
what is your dream?: To be something, someday.
u can make any one person fall in love with u-who? (alive, dead, fictiona): Dorian Gray,
because I just finished that book and would love to be corrupted, or Holden Caulfield. I
live in literature, loveys.
who do you admire most? why?: I don't know.
if you could make three wishes to come true, what would they be?: My loves would be
content, I would be short, and I would be beautiful.
how about only one wish?: To make my mom happy.
if you could take one person anywhere (anyone/anywhere) who and where?: James, and
we would travel the world.
which one person do you trust above all others?: I trust everyone, that is my problem.

+Annoying things+
what bugs you most about people?: Hickish accents, and I want to beat people up
whenever they try and argue with me about things that they know nothing about.
what bugs you most about yourself?: How pathetic I really am.
what are your pet peeves?: Obnoxious, ugly, stupid, fat, ignorant, close-minded, soul-less,
abusive, idiot people.
are you easily annoyed?: Yes, but you’d never know
whats one regret you'll always have?: This one thing that happened between my father and
I one time.. I really, I regret that. So much that I can’t even cry about it anymore.

+Finish the Sentence+
guys are...: Pretty to look at.
life is...: Too long.
your family is...: nazi white trash
your friends are...: beautiful
you are...: okay, because I have enchiladas now.
your life is...: full of earaches
a friend is...: anyone who doesn’t punch me in my cancer arm
school...: is fucking goddamn horrible
laughter is..: My favorite thing.
tears are...: Bitter.

+Random Things+
which movie character scares you most?: I don’t know
how many boyfriends/girlfriends have you had?: Seven? boyfriends, three girlfriends, and I
don’t know how many people anything else has happened with
what song relates most to you?: Psshaw.
whats the stupidest thing you've ever done?: Too much shit.
is sticking carrots up your nose something you enjoy?: Not really
how many nicknames do you have? what are they?: Hm, I don’t know. Natasha calls me
Spot because I have yet to cover up the random streak of orange in my hair, and alot of
people use “ohmacherie”
what's your family's name for you?: “You little bitch” and it’s not a term of endearment.

+Choose One+
love/happiness: Happiness.
friends/family: Friends.
hawaii/alaska: Hawaii.
bird/fish: bird
french/spanish: French.
mom/dad: Mom.
blood/tears: Blood.
live free/die: You can't ever live free, but you can die trying.

who's your bestest best friend in the whole wide world?: Oh, jeeze.
how about the top 10? (not in order..dont want any hurt feelings out there): Allan, Tyger,
Mason, Becky, Skyler, David, Zombie, Heather, Reeebecca, Corinne..?
who's the goofiest lookin person you've seen/know?: Bastion is a funny lookin boy.
funniest?: Mason or Allan, Lori or Corinne
smartest?: In terms of what..?
prettiest?: Creeper
not-so-brightest?: David, Becky
most loving?: Abby
most forgiving?: Darryn
unsurvivable...est?: Your mom, that fuckin' bitch, man.
closest?: I don’t know -cries-
was this waaaaay too long?: I don’t remember

What makes you laugh?: When I am even the slightest bit tired, once I laugh once, I don’t
stop, and I start laughing so hard it’s silent. .
Who is your hero?: I don’t know.
Who would you want to be tied to for 24 hours?: James, Star, Tyger, Jeff Buckley, Kurt
Cobain [were the latter two still alive..]
How many pairs of shoes do you own?: ten?
Where does the other sock end up?: Space!
Who do you blame for your mood today?: Malcom, who is a bitch.
If the Internet were sex... I would: run out of condoms very quickly.
Have you ever seen a dead body?: Yes. It’s horrible. .
What is something scientists need to invent?: Smart pills for idiots.
What should we do with stupid people?: DROWN THEM. Hah!
Have you ever broken a bone?: Yes. I broke my index finger because in second grade I
slipped and fell on it while it was at a vertical angle, and it jammed, and then I went
around for two days with a horribly jammed/ broken finger because my mom didn’t
believe me.
Do you watch local news? Why?: No, it bores me.
What happens after you die?: People are sad, and then get over it.
How big is your bed? Big enough?: Couch.
How long do you think you will live?: I don’t knooow, bitches. .

day at school: The teacher said she didn’t like me because I was “too pale, and no child
like that has such dark hair!” and then held me by my ankles in front of the class whenever
I tried to sharpen a crayon. it was a private school, she thought I was a demon
kiss: Nikolai in day care.
girlfriend/boyfriend: Cro or Erich or Mat, do I know? No. .
time getting high: -laughs-
time drinking: when I was seven, har har.
date: Pool party and he pulled me into the pool and it was cold like a motherfucker. .
time having sex: Never.
time you asked someone out: last october
time you ate sea food: I ate catfish once when I was two.
time getting in trouble for something really big: fifth grade, and some shit happened, and
detention: this year! .
time getting a filling: Never had one.
fist fight: I slapped this kid, in kindergarten, because he was making fun of my beautiful
Gabby’s long hair. .
time you cut yourself: Fifth. Fucking. Grade man. .
questioned existance: As a young child I did. I question everything.
What do you think of Mexicans?: They are beautiful. .
Jews?: Have good soup.
Do you like Canada?: Eh? .
I just got my own way, instead of you getting yours. Are you pissed?: Yes.
Does Britney Spears turn you on?: Only if I am Jen Kober
Have you ever gotten suspended or expelled from school?: No, thank God my mother
would kill me.
If so, what for?:
If you had to, would you kill the love of your life, or 30 strangers?: Myself.
What's better? An amusement park or a water park?: Water park! Half naked boys!
Do you like cats?: Yes.
Kruisenga's an ass, isn't he?: That fucking bastard.
On a scale of 1-10, how much do you like your parents?: Five.
What do you think of retards?: THEY SHOULD NOT BE RUNNING THIS COUNTRY.
What do you think of fat people?: I’m fat, bitch, watch out .
Fire = yum: Yes. Yes!

Which person comes to mind
best-friend: Abby
enemy: This skinny Lauren bitch who makes up shit about David to get him trouble
love interest: Your mom
person you talk to when you're down: James, Zombie, Allan.
person you try to avoid: Victoria.
person you haven't spoken to in a long time: Morgan or Chase, and Preston
person that makes you mad: Lauren whosherface
someone you think is stupid: God.
a celebrity you wish u could meet: Davey Havok.
person that cheers u up: Bastion or Mason
person who hates u: Christine
teacher that pisses u off: Mrs. Saunier, Mrs Colonna, Mrs. Ritchie [goddamn republican.]
Mrs. Lafleur.
person that pisses u off the most: I can’t stand alot of authority figures, so check to all of
them. People who are ‘in charge’ piss me off more than anyone else can.
person u wish u could spend more time with: Abby or Bastion, or Zach or Creeper or
Matt or Nathan or Darryn or Daniel. Yeah.

People have you loved?: Jeeze.
People have you kissed?: Four thousand.
Commandments have you broken?: All fifteen.
Places have you lived in (for over 3 months)?: New York.
Countries have you been to?: Just here.
Languages can you speak fluently?: Two.
People are you talking to right now?: Zero. -sadface-
Times have you been in a car today?: Zero.
Different kinds of meat have you eaten?: Two. .
Different kinds of liquor have you tasted?: Too many to count.
Jobs you have held?: One, for a few days whenever Nathan took me for an interview to
apprentice at his old piercing parlor, and then the real manager guy found out how I really
was. .
Years of school have you attended?: Eleven, including my tree pre-k years. .
Shows have you been to this month?: One.
Friends would you call "close"?: Three.

Do you drink [alcohol]?: Somtimes.
Do you party a lot? How often?: I’m not big on a lot of sweaty people in one room, no.
Do you use drugs for recreational purposes?: Drugs are bad.
How often do you use the word like in an average hour?: Like, too much
Do you skip classes? How often?: No
Do you have casual sex? Protected?: Nay, nay.
Do you steal?: Have before.
Do you wear inappropriate clothing?: Depends on who's looking.
Do you drool over celebrities?: One or two of them.
Do you watch a lot of TV?: Not any more.
Do you ever watch the News?: Never.
Do you even care about world issues?: I do, but they're usually so terrible...I have enough
horrible shit in my own body to deal with.
Do you read books often?: I devour them.
Are you failing a lot of your classes?: None of them, suprisingly.
Do you spend most of your time with your friends?: More then half.
Do you smoke cigarettes?: No.
Do you hang out a lot in malls, or at Seven Elevens?: Wall-Mart.
Do you often find yourself with a crush on someone?: Yes.
Do you cuss a lot?: Like a mother fucking sailor, nigger ass.
Are you desperate to fit in?: Oh my, yes! Yes! .
Are you intelligent?: I would like to think so.

The Goth Stereotype
Black lipstick?: Yes, wear it every once in a bit.
Black eyeliner?: Always.
Black eyeshadow?: But of course.
Black trenchcoat?: Only if it’s David’s.
Black boots?: No, I gave them all away.
Black fishnets?: Numerous pairs.
Black nail polish?: Only on my pinky, but always.
Cigarettes?: What does this have to do with being "Gothic"?
Heavy metal music?: When I’m in a good mood, yes.
Marilyn Manson?: Good god no.
Kittie?: Fuck you.
Cradle of Filth?: NO.
Constant frown and perpetual angst?: Only on tuesdays.
Do you like to be seen as: No, I prefer to be invisible
Are you an intellectual?: Yup.
An atheist?: I like to pretend I am, because it’s easier, but not really
Horrible home life?: Eh. You get used to it, I don't know any different.
Hopelessly depressed?: Not hopelessly.
Suffering with suicidal idealations?: But of course.
Self-mutilation?: I wish not.

The Punk Stereotype
Plaid?: Everything? YES.
Big black boots?: No thanks. .
Mohawk?: Yes. I have a 36 inch fauxhawk, bitches.
Excessive piercings? [Especially facial]: I want the left nostril, a horizontal in both
eyebrows, tongue, labret, and industrials in both ears, plus many more piercings, 00
gauges in both ears, corsette piercing, cleavage, surface piercings, a horizontal in my
navel, blah blah
Loud, confident and opinionated?: Yessire.
Wild hair colors?: But of course.
NOFX?: Rather not.
Rancid?: Adore.
Well versed on political scandals and outrages?: Very.
A: Apathy.

The Jock Sterotype
What's your IQ?: one hundred.. seventy.. five?
Do you watch a lot of sports?: Not any more.
Play a lot of sports?: Eghads no.
Talk a lot about sports?: No.
Do you do anything, really, but think about sports?: Yes.
Are you arrogant?: Yes.
Are you a male or female whore?: I am a tease.
Are you homophobic?: Not really, no.
Do you tease other people a lot because you want to seem confident?: No.
But really you're a quivering mass of insecurity?: Why yes.
Boobs = yes?: I have none, whatsoever.
Parties = yes?: Eh.
Dropping out of high school and flipping burgers = yes?: It’s my dream.

The Girl Stereotype
Do you spend a lot of time on your appearence?: Yup, but I don't really care, I just do it
because I get bored.
Have you ever been on a diet?: Yup.
How much did you lose?: Thirty pounds, but you couldn’t tell one bit..
Was it not so much a diet as it was an eating disorder?: Yes, anorexia/bulemia.
Make yourself throw up?: Yes, but not anymore
Make-up?: I’m an artist. I can wear any colour, any style. Yay for me.
Low-cut tops?: Yes. It makes David laugh. I don’t know why.
How big are your boobies? [Cup size]: Blah, I don’t know, I never buy my own bras.
Do you flip your hair when you talk, even if you don't realize it?: No, but I push my bangs
behind my ears and it looks horrible
Giggle a lot?: God yes.
What's the deal with boys?: They're stupid.
Thongs?: No thanks.
Pretty bras?: Yeees.
YM, Teen, Cosmo, et al?: Nope.
Who's the weaker sex?: Men.
Are you a feminist?: Kind of, I suppose.
Do you think Brad Pitt is hot?: Oh yes.
How often do you shave your legs?: I wear pants all the time, so there’s no point. I guess
about once a month, or if I know I’ll be wearing a skirt/shorts/ whatever.
How about your armpits?: Every other day.
Are you emotional?: Not so much emotional as I am sensitive.
Especially when on your period?: Nope.

This Or That
Originality or Acceptance?: Originality.
Independence or Companionship?: Companionship.
Stability or Freedom?: Stability
Personal or Interpersonal?: Personal.
Introvert or Extrovert?: Extrovert.
Popularity or Isolation?: Popularity.
Unique or Loved?: Loved.
Understood or Individual?: Individual
You or Them?: Them.

Are you named after anyone?: Ma mere, and the play Blythe Spirit
What's your screename?: To xAngelic Eyes as per “God Called In Sick Today” by AFI
Would you name a child of yours after you?: Maybe. Maybe Catherine or Gabrielle. I was
supposed to be named Gabrielle, but my parents had a brain hiccup whenever they went to
name me, and couldn’t remember Gabrielle. I was supposed to be Catherine Gabrielle.
If you could switch names with a friend who would it be?: No one, I love my name.
Are there any mispronounciations/typos that ppl do w/ your name constantly?: People
spell “Caitlin” a jillion different ways, it pisses m off.
Would you drop your last name if you became famous?: I’m going to add an S as soon as
possible and be Caitlin Richards instead of Catherine Ree-shard

Your gender:: Female.
Single?: Nope.
Birthdate:: February 23, 1991
Your age:: Blah.
Age you act:: I don’t know.
Age you wish you were:: Seventeen
Your height:: 5’9”
Eye color:: Green
Happy with it?: No, it’s a honey green, so most people think my eyes are brown. I wish I
had light eyes.
Hair color:: Currently, black
Happy with it?: Nah.
Lefty/righty/ambidextrous:: Righty.
Your living arrangement:: A big old house, in a little old town, in fucking Louisiana, with
ma mere et mon pere..
Your family:: Lovely at times, shitty at others.
Have any pets?: Bird, fish, cat cat cat, dog
Whats your job?: Apparently, to tear my family apart..
Piercings?: Four in right ear, two in left, navel
Tattoos?: When I am eighteen, will start.
Obsessions?: Yes, please.
Addictions?: Coffee, love, Finding Nemo, Jalepeno peppers
Do you speak another language?: Yup.
Have a favorite quote?: No.
Do you have a webpage?: Nah.
Do you live in the moment?: No, I live in yesterday.
Do you consider yourself tolerant of others?: Indeed I do.
Do you have any secrets?: A few.
Do you hate yourself?: At times.
Do you like your handwriting?: Yeah.
Do you have any bad habits?: Loads.
What is the compliment you get from most people?: That I have beautiful hair, that my
makeup is to die for, my skin is wonderful and my handwriting is the handwriting of god.
If a movie was made about your life, what would it be called?: “What is this shiate?” but
it’d only be funny if I become muslim soon.
What's your biggest fear?: Being left completely alone.
Can you sing?: Yes.
Do you ever pretend to be someone else just to look cool?: Who the hell does that?
Are you a loner?: Nope.
What are your #1 priorities in life?: Keeping the people closest to me happy.
If you were another person, would you be friends with you?: No.
Are you a daredevil?: YES!
Is there anything you fear or hate about yourself?: I fear not being in control, I hate how
stupid/ugly/pointless/worthless/annoying I am.
Are you passive or agressive?: Agressive.
Do you have a journal?: Yeah.
What is your greatest strength and weakness?: It’s all the same, it is my love.
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?: My brashness
Do you think you are emotionally strong?: Hardly.
Is there anything you regret doing/not doing in life? I don’t know..
Do you think life has been good so far?: It couldn't be any different.
What is the most important lesson you've learned from life?: Don't open yourself up so far
with everyone.
What do you like the most about your body?: My skin or my smile or my legs, it is a tie.
And least?: My fatty-ness.
Do you think you are good looking?: I have convinced myself that I am, but I do not think
Are you confident?: Sometimes more then others.
Are you perceived wrongly?: Usually.

Do You...
Read the newspaper?: Not really.
Pray?: Rarely..
Go to church?: No.
Talk to strangers who IM you?: If they are literate, yes..
Sleep with stuffed animals?: Yeah.
Take walks in the rain?: Always.
Talk to people even though you hate them?: Yup.
Drive?: Good god, no
Like to drive fast?: YES.

Would or Have You Ever?
Liked your voice?: I don’t, but I like voices that sound like mine, I just don’t like my voice
because, well, it is mine.
Hurt yourself?: Often
Been out of the country?: No
Eaten something that made other people sick?: Probably.
Been in love?: Yeah.
Gone skinny dipping?: Nope.
Had a medical emergency?: Yes.
Had surgery?: Yes
Gotten beaten up?: No, I kick ass.
Beaten someone up?: No
Been picked on?: Yes.
Been on stage?: Yeah.
Slept outdoors?: Not for an entire night.
Thought about suicide?: Yes
Pulled an all nighter?: No.
If yes, what is your record?: n/a
Gone one day without food?: Gone many without.
Talked on the phone all night?: Not all night, up until five or six in the morning.
Slept together with the opposite sex w/o actually having sex?: Often, I love lying in bed
with people.
Slept all day?: Yes.
Made out with a stranger?: Of course
Had sex with a stranger?: Nope.
Thought you're going crazy?: Yes, it is unpleasant.
Kissed the same sex?: Yuhuh.
Done anything sexual with the same sex?: Made out, nothing big.
Been betrayed?: Yeah.
Had a dream that came true?: Yes.
Broken the law?: Yes.
Met a famous person?: Yeah.
Have you ever killed an animal by accident?: No.
On purpose?: Nope.
Told a secret you swore you wouldn't tell?: Yes, but to protect them.
Stolen anything?: Yes.
Been on radio/tv?: Yes, on many occasions actually.
Been in a mosh-pit?: Oh how I ADORE those. :D
Had a nervous breakdown?: Yup.
Bungee jumped?: God no.
Had a dream that kept coming back?: Yes, it still does.

Believe in life on other planets?: Yes.
Miracles?: Yes.
Astrology?: Yes.
Magic?: Yes.
God?: I believe in Something..
Satan?: No, people made him up to scare others into obedience..
Santa?: I’m a Santaist.
Ghosts?: But of course!
Luck?: Yes.
Love at first sight?: Nope.
Yin and yang (that good cant exist w/o bad)?: Yes.
Witches?: Yes.
Easter bunny?: Nope.
Believe its possible to remain faithful forever?: I believe it, never practiced it.
Believe theres a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow?: Maybe.
Do you wish on stars?: I have done.

Deep Theological Questions
Do you believe in the traditional view of Heaven and Hell?: Not at all.
Do you think God has a gender?: No, it can be whatever it wants to.
Do you believe in organized religion?: I don’t practice it.
Where do you think we go when we die?: I don’t know. I believe in reincarnation, so let’s
say we all go to Summerland for a while. I don’t know. I hate nihilism, but often I drift
into it.

Do you have any gay/lesbian friends?: Many.
Who is your best friend?: Abby
Who's the one person that knows most about you?: Jeeze, I don’t kow.
What's the best advice that anyone has ever given to you?: Be happy, damnit.
Your favourite inside joke?: Do you know what that sounds like?
Thing you're picked on most about?: Not picked on any more.
Who's your longest known friend?: Nathan, I’ve known him since I was born, we share the
same breath.
Newest?: Valkyrie.
Shyest?: Rissa
Friends you miss being close to the most?: David.
Last person you talked to online?: Skyler
Who do you talk to most online?: Corinne
Who are you on the phone with most?: Sammie
Who do you trust most?: There is no ‘most’
Who listens to your problems?: I don’t speak of them often. I do type them, though.
Who do you fight most with?: My parents.
Who's on your shit-list?: Lauren whosherface, Victoria
Have you ever thought of having sex with a friend?: No. Unless you count telling
everyone that David got me pregnant, even though we’re both gay.
Who's your second family?: Allan’s.
Do you always feel understood?: No.
Do you trust others easily?: Too easily.
Who's house were you last at?: Nathan’s
Name one person who's arms you feel safe in:: Allan, Sammie, Nathan, James, Abby.
Anyone who will hold me I fall in love with, and I feel safe.
Do your friends know you?: Yes.
Friend that lives farthest away:: ..Nesse?
Do you consider love a mistake?: Sometimes.
What do you find romantic?: Hand holding, light, teasing kisses.
Turn-on?: Touching.
Turn-off?: Dirty talk.
If someone u had no interest in had interest in dating u how would u feel?: I would feel
nothing, except, "God don't let them ask me out."
Do you prefer knowing someone before dating them or going: Whatever.
Have u ever wished it was more socially acceptable 4 a girl 2 ask a guy out: Don't really
care, I do what the fuck I want to.
Have you ever been romantically attracted to someone physically unattractive: No, but
that’s simply because I think just about anyone is beautiful.
Do you think the opposite sex finds you good looking?: Apparently. Non-white guys love
my ghetto booty, yo.
What is best about the opposite sex?: Their hands, elbows, shoulders, backs, ears, lips,
What is the worst thing about the opposite sex?: They're male-ness.
Are you in love?: Always.
Do you consider your significant other hot?: Unspeakably..

Who Was the Last Person...
You wanted to kill?: I don’t know.
That you laughed at?: Mason.
That laughed at you?: My mom.
You went shopping with?: Sammie and Mason.
That you thought about?: Allan.
You saw a movie with?: Allan, Sammie, Mason, and David.
You talked to on the phone?: James..
You talked to through IM/ICQ?: Skyler.
You saw?: Abby.
You lost?: David, Christine..

Right This Moment...
Are you going out?: I wish!
What are you wearing right now?: Short red velvet skirt, white tshirt with random shit
written all over it.
Body part you're touching right now:: My face.
What are you worried about right now?: Getting my homework done. Fucking A.
What book are you reading?: Not reading a book.
What's on your mousepad?: I have no mousepad
Use 5 words to describe how you're feeling:: Sleepy, myfacefeelsgross, lazy, nauseous,
Are you bored?: Verily..
Are you tired?: Extremely.
Are you talking to anyone online?: No.
Are you talking to anyone on the phone?: Nope.
Are you lonely or content?: Lonely.
Are you listening to music?: AFI.

Last Cigarette:: Month ago.
Last Alcoholic Drink:: Days ago
Last Car Ride:: Yesterday, from school.
Last Kiss:: Yesterday from Abby
Last Good Cry:: I don't have "good cries".
Last Library Book checked out:: A collection of Shakespeare.
Last Movie Seen in Theatres:: Shit, I don’t know..
Last Book Read:: ...Picture of Dorian Gray
Last Movie Rented:: SLC Punk! and Harold and Maude.
Last Cuss Word Uttered:: Shit
Last Beverage Drank:: Tea.
Last Food Consumed:: Enchiladas.
Last Crush:: I don’t know. I ll have a new one for you in a minute.
Last Phone Call:: Megan.
Last TV Show Watched:: X Games, haha.
Last Time Showered:: Last night.
Last Shoes Worn:: My union jack chucks.
Last CD Played:: Acid Bath - When the Kite String Pops.
Last Item Bought:: a blank white bib for Mason
Last Download:: I don’t know.
Last Annoyance:: My hair keeps falling in my face
Last Disappointment:: Right now.
Last Thing Written:: Right now.
Last Key Used:: space
Last Word Spoken:: Bye.
Last Sleep:: This morning.
Last IM:: Skyler
Last Sexual Fantasy:: Ssssh.
Last Weird Encounter:: Saw Curley in BAM and hid behind a tall man.
Last Ice Cream Eaten:: Cold Stone Creamery with one stale ass cone.
Last Time Amused:: Last night.
Last Time Wanting To Die:: Last year?
Last Time In Love:: Every day of my life.
Last Time Hugged:: Erm, a couple of hours ago.
Last Time Scolded:: Yesterday.
Last Time Resentful:: Everyday.
Last Chair Sat In:: This one I am in now.
Last Lipstick Used:: I don’t know. .
Last Underwear Worn:: Black and white stripey ones..
Last Bra Worn:: My minty green one that says “Caity owns these!” thanks to Brianna..
Last Shirt Worn:: The one on right now.
Last Webpage Visited:: Livejournal.

-- Birthplace: Queens
-- Current Location: Lake Charles.
-- Zodiac Sign: Pisces

-- Your heritage: Irish, Greek, I’m one eighth native american and I’m very French.
-- The shoes you wear: None.
-- Your weakness: Love.
-- Your fears: Dying before I get to say I love you.
-- Your perfect pizza: Vegan cheese, spinach, mushrooms, jalepenos and bell peppers.
-- Goal you'd like to achieve: Being published.

-- Your most overused phrase on AIM: omg.
-- Your thoughts first waking up: God damnit, why?!
-- Your bedtime: Two am or so.

-- Pepsi or Coke: Neither.
-- McDonald's or Burger King: Burger King.
-- Single or group dates: group
-- Adidas or Nike: Niether.
-- Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Niether.
-- Chocolate or vanilla: Niether
-- Cappuccino or coffee: Both

-- Smoke: Nah.
-- Cuss: Like a damn sailor.
-- Sing: not well
-- Take a shower everyday: No.
-- Have a crush(es): But of course!
-- Do you think you've been in love: I know I have.
-- Go to college: I have to go to fucking McNeese the first two years, goddamn
-- Liked high school: Working through it.
-- Want to get married: Sure, why not?
-- Believe in yourself: Sometimes more then others.
-- Get motion sickness: Never.
-- Think you're attractive: Sure.
-- Think you're a health freak: Oh no.
-- Get along with your parents: Sometimes.
-- Like thunderstorms: They're amazing.
-- Play an instrument: Piano, harp, harmonica, and I try to play guitar

-- Eaten sushi: No.
-- Been dumped: Yes.
-- Gone skating: yes.
-- Made homemade cookies: Yes, as per Easy Bake

-- Played a game that required removal of clothing: No, I do that normally.
-- If so, was it mixed company: - Yup.
-- Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: Yes.
-- Been caught "doing something": Nope, thank god.
-- Been called a tease: Yes.

-- Age you hope to be married: Twenty seven-twenty nime
-- Numbers and Names of Children: 2-3, Amelie Ever, Nicholas Heath, Catherine Marie or
Aubrey Alexander
-- Describe your dream wedding: I don’t know.
-- Where you want to go to college: That one in New Orleans, that I can’t spell. Luella.
Or whatever.
-- What do you want to be when you grow up: Musician.
-- What country would you most like to visit: Anywhere in Europe.

-- Best eye color: Black, green, chestnut brown, grey, beautiful blue.
-- Best hair color: Whatever, I don't like natural red heads.
-- Short or long hair: Long on men, whatever on girls.
-- Height: Taller then me, please.
-- Best weight: I enjoy skinny for men, but it’s not always a good look, and if they aren’t
skinny I enjoy anyone who has a body like my Rembrandt, because that boy has an
amazing body, and I don’t like really skinny girls.
-- Best articles of clothing: ...half unbuttoned shirts
-- Best first date location: Wherever.
-- Best first kiss location: Anywhere.

-- Number of people I could trust with my life: 2.
-- Number of CDs that I own: A shit load.
-- Number of scars on my body: Also a shit load.
-- Number of things in my past that I regret: Too many to name.
I love you.
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