hey i just joined b/c this people in this community looked helpful
could someone please help me make this layout? i'd appreciate it.
thanks so much
i want a layout to pretty much look exactly like this one, but without those pictures
http://www.blurty.com/users/laguna_beach (1) Background Image:
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v236/forever16/brightlights.bmp, center in the first box
(2) Entry Box Alignment:
. center
(3) Main Colours:
. White or #FFFFFF
(4) Entry Border:
. thin black line> like in the link
(5) Scrollbar Colours:
. Track-white, Face-black, Arrow-white, Highlight-white
(6) Font:
. Font Name-Arial, Size-8, Colour-black
(7) Comment Links:
. # you say hello inside i'm screaming / i love you
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v236/forever16/heart1.gif - with that in the middle please.
(8) General Link Effects:
. none
(9) Page Transition:
. none.
(10) Number of Entries Per Page
. 15
(11) Screen Resolution:
. 1024 x 768
(12) User Picture:
. if you could make it so i could change it often, that'd be appreciated :D
(13) Layout Example
http://www.blurty.com/users/laguna_beach (14) Other Requests:
could you make the date look like the one on the link above please <3
(15) Your E-mail Address:
turky14@hotmail.com or IM-crossmyheart71