
Nov 13, 2005 09:23

Okay, so now I warn you, I'm doing a rant, and I'm cutting it, because I'll cuss and huff and do all sorts of things. Are you relly ready to see my rant?

I strongly dislike church, and I strongly disagree with the "Christian" religion, and anything based around Christianity. Sure, I try to be nice, but hell, I'm gonna point out its faults. I point out my own religion's faults, even. I guess that's because I've got a quick eye. Anyway, so my mom wakes me up at 9:00 JUST TO GO TO CHURCH AT 11:00. "Oh you'll get something out of church!" Fuck that. Church is for CHRISTIANS. I am NOT a Christian, and not that I hate people who are, I just think the religion is total BULLSHIT. I mean, my stepdad makes me go so I change religions. "Oh Kim you're going to the devil! You're going to hell!" Well you know what? I don't even believe in a hell, so that solves that gayass problem. I mean, tch, you aren't going to make make me Christian. Check out Christianity Exposed for some more imformation. You'll get it. Christianity is a total contradiction upon itself. Gayass religion. I mean, not to be mean, because I love my friends who are Christian, but GOD FUCKING DAMN. YOU PEOPLE ARE SO FUCKING CLOSE-MINDED YOU CAN'T EVEN REALIZE ANOTHER RELIGION MIGHT BE BETTER THAN CHRISTIANITY. I open my eyes all the time. Sure, Christianity may be better, but hey. I agree with my religion. Not Christianity.

Oh oh! I have some things to point out! In the Bible, it says not to worship idols, yet you have Jesus on the cross? Haha, might wanna re-think it.
and then, the Cross. An executioner's tool, made into a sign of "peace, hope, and joy"?! What the hell! YOU KILL PEOPLE ON A CROSS. ARE YOU IDIOTS?!
And then, in the original Hebrew Bible, it says, "Thou shalt not murder" instead of "Thou shalt not kill". As far as I'm concerned, there's PLENTY of killing in the Bible, but wait! I thought that was against your comandments!

Okay, I'm done. Sorry if anyone Christian is mad at this. Don't go in a fucking frenzy. I'm not in the mood to argue.
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