My brain is scrambled. I've been edgy for the past week or so. I know that no one would be able to tell, but I have been. Now I'm so fucking distressed, but I can't really describe how.
I've been holding off for too long, but I really need to say this. I know I've done similar things before, but I'm really serious this time. I really need responses for this.
I need to know what you think of me. I'm the only person I can't see. It drives me more than crazy that I don't know anything about myself. I can't see how I am, how I come off on people. I need the outside perspective.
The only way I think I can get this straight out is in question form. Please be honest:
Is there anything that I've done to hurt you?
Have I ever done something really horrible to you?
Have I ever done something that made you really angry?
What do you think of me, overall?
How would you describe my personality?
What are my pros/cons?
What do I come off as/what am I like on average every day?
What do you think of my personality?
What stereotype could/would I be?
What do you think I will do in the future [ex. job]?
How do you think I am mentally?
How do you think I am intellectually?
Do you like talking to me?
Do I bore you?
Am I annoying in any ways?
Is there anything I should stop doing, like bad habits?
Do I talk too much?
Is there anything I talk about too much?
What do you think of my clothes/the way I dress?
What do you think of me physically?
Is there anything we have in common?
Would you like to get to know me better?
Am I intimidating in any way?
What do you think of my hair?
Is there anything that I don't do that you think I should?
Is there anything I do that you think I shouldn't?
Do you think I am passive or aggressive?
Do you think I am an introvert or extrovert?
Do I excell at any subjects?
What do you think I'm good at doing?
What am I bad at doing?
What do you think of the music I listen to?
Do you think I'm weird?
If you didn't know me, how would you perceive me?
Would you say we're acquaintances, friends, good friends?
Would you like to do more things with me/hang out?
Do I bug you?
How long have we known each other for?
How often do/have we talked?
That's basically it, I guess. Please comment, and put your name in the comment aswell. I know some of these questions may be repetitive, but they're more of a guideline.
Don't pretend to be someone else. I need to know all the different perspectives of different people. I don't want to talk about this at all, it's just going to stay here.
Thank you very much if you do comment or took the time to read this. <3