Whole Name:
Eye color:
Hair color:
Hair style:
Where do you live:
Where would you take me on our first date:
Would you wait for me to make the first move:
Do you have a cell phone/Would I have to call you first:
Do you drink:
Do you smoke:
Party or Just hang out:
What is your favorite past time:
Do you like the beach:
Are you a jealous person:
How would you make me laugh/What makes you laugh:
Would you let me know what I did if I made you angry:
Would you take care of me if i were sick:
How would you treat me:
What's your style of dress:
What is your family like:
Where do you shop at most:
Where is your favorite place to feast:
Do you think you can hang out with my friends:
Do you get along with other guys/girls really well:
What made you apply for this position:
Why should I choose you for this position:
When can you start: