
May 08, 2005 23:54

Mother's Day, 2005:

As if I don't know that it's tearing you apart

As if Idon't know that it's tearing this family apart.

As if I don't know that you're scared

As if I'm not scared

As if I have all the answers, I'm just not telling

As if I do this to hurt you

As if the fact that it hurts you isn't more painful than anything I inflict on myself

As if the fact that it hurts you doesn't make me wish I'd never been born, so that you'd be spared this, that you don't deserve, I love you so much

As if I'm not fighting
I am fighting, maybe harder than you've ever had to
And I'm still
And I quote
A Disaster
(I am.)

As if you're not what keeps me here

As if the prospect of leaving you, leaving here,
As if the fact there is any vile part of me that could do that
isn't what I truly despise in myself

As if I can't hear you crying

As if I don't need to cry

As if I didn't love this family more than...
well, more than any person should love anything

As if the true thingI wanted to escape wasn't your pain

As if there were
some way I could make this better

I swear at you because I can't stand to watch you love me.
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