Title: It Was The Smartest Thing I Ever Did, Because Now You're Here
x_avecia_xRating: PG-13
Warning: A few sweary words, nothing too shocking.
Word Count: 3,171
Disclaimer: I do not own Community - although I would totally marry Dan Harmon then claim half in our (inevitable) divorce settlement - that is unless he conceeds to my end game Jeff/Annie
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Comments 12
I love it. Mr. Edison definitely seems like the type of guy to punch Jeff in the face, while Ms. Edison seems like the kind of person I want to punch in the face.
Can I just love you even more for the kiss that gave me a ton of feelings? Jeff, you kissed and because she is the mother of your child, and the attention you're used to will be transferred to your child. You love her and you're falling harder for her because of the fetus. It's a legit love.
Annie, you allowed the kiss to go on because the man you love gave you another human to love, your hormones are on the fritz, and Jeff stood up to your parents on your honor. Thaks effing adorable!
And this is the part of the comment.t where I plead for more.
And yeah, the kiss is going to permeate through the rest of the fic, especially when you read the next chapter, I think it might be my favourite so far :)
Thanks again for reading, x
It's good to see him stepping up to the plate, and doing all the stuff that he should be doing, even if he does have the odd complaint about it. I like that little streak of self-flagellation you've given him. That he puts himself in the firing line with Annie's dad not only because it's the right thing to do, but also because he kind of feels he deserves that punch.
Still not quite there, though, is he? If you kiss a girl, Jeff, never tell her you don't know why you did it. I'd guess that probably goes double if she's the mother of your unborn child.
I like Annie's independent streak, but man oh man, does she ever cut her nose off to spite her face. Insisting on staying in the Dildopolis apartment, just because she wants to be her own woman is admirable, but kinda shortsighted. Hopefully Jeff can convince her otherwise soon.
As for Jeff, yeah he's trying really hard to do 'the right thing' but Annie is still a bit uncomfortable with it because although Jeff usually comes through for her, it's usually with resistance. There is no resistance here, he actively wanted to be there when she told her parents.
But you're right, he needs to get his head sorted out before he goes kissing girls without a reason, especially girls expecting his unborn child!
I kind of think you might be in my head a bit in this fic because you're picking up on things that are meant to be quite subtle so either I'm really crap at subtlety (entirely possible) or you are an amazingly astute reader - Annie is indeed very shortsighted about the whole situation with her apartment. This is dealt with in the next chapter and I do hope you'll like where I went with it :)
Thanks again x
Another great chapter. Looking forward to more :)
Thanks again for reading x
Next chapter coming tonight I hope! Thanks again for reading x
(more more more more)
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