It's official, other than exams, I'm done with school!
I can't actually believe I don't have to go back, the past two montsh went super quickly and now it's all over.
It's odd, I thought I'd be super happy.
I actually cried, my tutor gave a speech saying how thankful she was to say she has been a part of our lives for the last 5 years and she knows that we are all going to be incredible at whatever we choose to do. She said she was proud of the people we have grown to be and her voice cracked. That was it, my tears started then. And damn it, I wasn't wearing water-proof mascara.
One of the things I hate most in the world is saying goodbyes.
Our year had a assembly before lunch, the head + all the tutors spoke and there was a slide-show of pictures. Jeez if I ever see my year 7 picture again, I'll rip it up.
They had a section in the slideshow for Krissy, my heart aches that she's not here to celebrate/laugh/cry today with me. She was supposed to be here, it meant a lot that they included her. She would have loved the attention, little miss drama queen.
Pulled loads of pranks, we had to beat last year's year 11's. Attacked year 7's with paint + glitter bombs, sprayed aftershave on toliet paper (that stings like hell), silly-stringed the head's car, told my tutor I was pregnant, with twins (JOKE), put flour bombs in the micro-waves so they'll explode), covered all the sports balls in butter, swapped the History and Maths departmants around, and stole a school clock.
I don't think it's the leaving school bit that I'm sad about. More what it means.
That's 5 years of my life finished. All the memories that comes with that, not just through school but the first relationship, first fight, first heart-break etc. There have been a lot of firsts, both good and bad.
It's just hard to think that it's over.
Time to be an adult. No more school, no more goofing off, no more.
It's time for a new chapter of my life. Happy to be leaving a lot of the drama + people behind. Sad in other ways. My tutor has become a friend, someone who gives support + doesn't judge. And my group of girls who I love, and will always love, we are all moving in different directions. And Krissy, yet another thing she's missed, another thing I've had to do without her by my side.
So it's definately bittersweet. Ready for the future in some ways, but wanting the past in others.
It's not over yet, we still have summer and I know we'll make it a summer to remember, starting tonight!!!