hmm..saturday went to the mall and met with my lawyer bought my dvd player,because my other one went gay. later that night amber came over.We rented and watched napoleon
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HEEEEEH.ok tuesday.didnt go to school.and i found out that a weird coming to my house from minnesota to look at my drawings lmfao.yeah.i cant draw.oh not going to be here.definantly not.anyone have 5 beautiful drawings they wanna give me
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uhh friday.went to the movies with missy jamie and tracy.went and seen darkness.yeah uhm it sucked.i tired telling missy that but nooo she didnt listen.the ending was the worst part
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hmmm...monday didnt go to school..tuesday didnt go to school...wednesday went to school..learned nothing.slept through a lot of my classes.i was very very tired.took a lot of tylenol.went home.played ps2 lmao.i have no life.uhhh and thursday had a snow day.stayed home and did nothing...i was in my room ALL day.and then today i went to school.
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