weird spam

Feb 21, 2004 15:46

i got this today. . . caution, it's a long message.

Subject: I'm looking for Love and Happiness. Are you ?
Date: Fri, 20 Feb 2004 21:52:40 -0600
From: "Lone Wolf" Add to Address Book

I tried to find a meaning to this thing called
L I F E.


And I want to go as farther as I can. To push my limits, farther and
farther, or die trying.

Life is a journey of tests... And the trickyest and most difficult of
them all is to figure out
W H A T T O W A N T ?

I am convinced that our existence did not start at our physical birth,
nor will it end with the physical death. Therefor, on how we respond to
the "WHAT TO WANT ?" issue depends not only our physical existence, it
goes way beyond that, it goes to what is going to happen to us in the
"after death life".

Why are you receiving this messsage ? Because, I am trying to obtain
what I desire the most out of my existence.... LOVE and BEAUTY. To me,
they have to come as a package. It's what's missing the most into my
life, it's the reward I have been looking for, it's the engine that will
keep me alive. I cannot and will not go any further without those: L O V
E & B E A U T Y, or simply name it "LOVE". I am talking here about
ROMANTICAL love, because I also do know that there are many kinds and
levels of LOVE.

I have worked many years on becoming a better individual, a knight in
(no) shinning armor, that a beautiful fairie will fall in love with...
Call me STUPID, call me a DREAMER, call me BOTH, or whatever you may
find apropriate, but I think it is extremely unfair to have to go ALONE
through LIFE.

<< Are you a prince charming, yet ?>> you may ask...
Yes, I could be, but every one defines "prince charming" differently.

I am smart, but sometimes slow.
I know four plus languages.
I scored 91 at ASVAB, from 99 possible, although English is not my
native language.
I love to travel and finally, I made it to a job where travelling is
the way one makes money.
I am into spirituality, martial arts, have an artsy soul.
I try to surrounder myself with high quality individuals, kind people
I can learn a lot from.
I believe that in order to reach happinnes or at least go forward in
life, one has to think and act UNCONVENTIONAL.
Black humour and irony are two of my closest friends.
I love nature and animals.
Self improvement, something I always work on.
I am brown haired, blue eyes, slim, medium height.

Life is like a game of strategy. Everything we do, or don't do,
affects our existence. And imagination, perseverence, unconventional thinking
and integrity are powerful tools.

Are you the fairie tale girl I have been looking for ? Are you that
high quality individual that will click with me ?
Below are the features I am looking for. The more you have, the

-she does not smoke
-she is slim
-she would love to travel
-she is interested in:
-foreign languages
-world's art and culture
-soccer, sports
-martial arts
-spirituality and philosophy
-reading and writting
-music, museums, arts
-science fiction and UFOs
-she has blue, green or hazel eyes
-she has long hair
-she is asian or caucasian (exceptions welcome)
-she is beautiful
-she is sensitive, honest, romantic and into commitment
-she is not high maintance
-she is a hard worker
-she is a perfectionist

The list could go on... No wonder I don't have a girl friend, right ?!
Well, I found out that making rebates on quality does not work either,
they dump as easily as an A+ lady would. I was hoping that being with
an average, or even below average, looking girl will provide me with the
emotional security I have been craving for, but life slapped me on more
time, it showed me I was wrong...

I could make this message even longer, but I am going to stop here.
This is a science fiction endeavor. Really... It is a guy with an idea...
Thinking to himself, there are millions and millions of beautiful
girls/women out there.... How can I find one and make her mine ??? Hmm...
You could reach thousands of people on the Internet.... and the more
ladies you reach, the more likely it is to actually find one who will
resonate with your ideas, one that will like you a lot, one that will fall
in love with you and stay that way... Of course, there are many "IFs"
and TRICKS involved, many things that could and will go wrong, like in a
game of chess, but if you carefully prepare each step, you have got a
real chance here.

If you read this message now, it means I got pretty far. I have this
web site, with pictures of me, with more on what I look for in a
relationship, I even had put there some reflexions that one day I may have
enough to publish in a book. If you are interested in finding out more
about me, please write me back more about you, about what do you do in
real life, how old are you, how do you look like (yeah, your phone number
too) and I will either send you the link to the web site or send you
the files zipped to your email account. If you do want to talk to me, if
you FEEL that I may be the "prince charming" you have dreamed for (yes,
he does exist), write me back at and put your email address
in the subject line, so I know it is not just another promotion on some
sort of product or service.

This is NOT just another bulk email.

This message is SPECIAL. It can change your life into better. For
REAL. Try it and you shall SEE. Do your part and I will do mine. I always
do my part.

Ok, you know you are not interested in me, romantically. Maybe you got
married, maybe you think I am too naive, too lame, cheesie, or
whatever. But, think about this:


You already know what is my number one wish. To find a fairie tale
girl to love and be loved by. Maybe you have single cute friends that may
be interested in me... sisters, cousins, relatives... co-workers...
people that you will meet in the near future. Hook me up with one of them
and I will help you out with your wish, whatever it will be. And to see
I am not kidding, I will throw this in. I know a verified way for you
to be making an average of 1000$ a week. It requieres some sacrifice,
but to me it is well worthed it. I will even tell you what it is. It is
interstate "truck driving". It is not easiest job in the world, but for
me, it is perfect. I cannot explore the universe in a space ship, but I
can explore USA in a truck. And that's what I am doing. If you want to
get into a good company, where the average 1000$/week is not a lie,
email me your phone number and we will take it from there. You do not need
experience. The training is paid for by the company.

Have a great life.

A wolf.

**** Just some thoughts that one day may turn into a book. If U wanna
read more, let me know !*****

I am a dreamer, a day dreamer, a night dreamer and everything in
between. Being able to day dream is one of the things that kept me alive
and brought me some nice accomplishments... and a few moments of joy. I
didn't like my life, nor do I like it much more today. I am not the
first, nor the only one who's feeling lonely and unhappy. I was looking
for Beauty and Love. I found Illusion, Nothingness and more Loneliness.
Maybe, as my mother suggested, I am setting for myself goals too
difficult to achieve, close to impossible. What else should I do ? Live to
eat, work for nothing, let others think for myself, be ashamed to live my
own way, give up ? Stop dreaming ?! Maybe I will do that one day, but
not yet, thank you very much.

Friends... true friends... if they didn't exist, they should invent

Will this full moon ever come to an end ?

I have started my Jihad for quite a while now, but I couldn't kill
much, maybe not at all, and I am not happy with it. My egos are still
alive and well. It's time for a different approach... If I only knew how to
approach them.

The main goal of Jihad, the holy war, is killing your true enemies.
And your true enemies are within yourself, not outside.

Latest news: I am still alive and horny like hell. I need a cold
shower, maybe it will help.

The cold shower didn't help.
It made me shiver and will probably give me a cold, but I still can't
stop thinking about girls. I wish they had some kind of pills on the
market that I could take to stop wanting sex, beauty, affection.

I looked into the mirror and asked myself: "What the f... is wrong
with me ?". I am not that ugly and in my good looking moments I would even
give myself a 9 points out of 10, for looks. I can speak, read and
write in 3-4 languages, I have an above average IQ... Obviously, my IQ is
not high enough, because it took me a few seconds to realize that: I do
not own a Corvette, a Porsche or another nice fast looking car; all my
life I have been broke or close to broke; I could never lie too well; I
was and still am pretty shy and while others like to brag, I like to
whine. Hmm...

I found out today that sunglasses aren't just for protecting one's
eyes from the sun. Sunglasses should also be used when your eyes become
watery, because big boys don't cry.

If there's something that I am very good at, that has to be...
screwing myself.

We think we have everything planned. The only problem is that very
often, your plan works on paper, but not in the cold harsh reality.

Have you ever wanted to die ?
I want it every day. That's what loosers like me wish for, when they
can't get anything right.

I am unhappy with my life... Am I the only one ?!
Hell, No. After a few beers, or not, we all have the tendency to cry
out our pain.

I am such a pervert. Every day it's just Me, Myself and I....
Neverending threesomes... Should I be happy, or should I cry my pain out ?! I
am running out of tears...

If you aren't into pain, never wish to be a saint. I want to be a
saint, so maybe this is why my life is filled with loneliness and hurt.

Have you ever wondered why so many small children cry so much ??! Is
it because they need to exercise their lungs, like some doctors say ?!
Or is it because they somehow know that the journey they began will be
one full with pain, sorrow and loneliness ?

I am who I am because of them. I am where I am and do what I do
because of them. Thank you much, guys.

You're just a mere human. Do not, I repeat, DO NOT WASTE YOUR LIFE.

Are we humans nothing more than slaves ? We eat cows, chicken, pigs.
We survive by taking the life of other animals... What if God, Satan and
their angels feast on our souls ?

I am wondering, how does it feel like to make love in the corn field ?

Should I pee on myself, or go to jail ?

Don't pee into the Light.

Yesterday I almost got arrested... Today maybe I get lucky.... and

How I will screw myself today ?

She looks like a movie star. She walks like a model, she talks like
smart people do... and she will never be mine.

I am my worst enemy.

"Be flexible or you break !"- The lesson I learned at a very early

Satan and his demons did a good job today.

Seeing the sunrise in California... something I never thought I would
live to see...

I speak English so well, I cannot even understand myself.

If it doesn't feel too good to be true, it is not worth it.

The world has serious commitment problems. If we only knew how to make
the right choices and stick to them.

Do not praise me... Love me...

Get a bunch of humans and put them in Paradise. Then sit back and
count how long it takes them to destroy it..

-To live on 69th street with a covergirl, in Lickland county, Ohio.
Wouldn't that be great ?!
-Yeah, but she may want to live in Climax, Michigan.

I'm still looking for that cover girl. In the mean while I have to
stay away from Fort Gay, West Virginia.

The world is full of idiots. And I am one of their leaders...

Everything starts with a thought....

The thought became idea. The idea became action. The action turns
into reality.

I look around me and all I see is Maya. I see people wasting their
lives, I see them going after ther wrong things in the wrong way.

You will not be receiving any more emails from me to this email
address of yours in the next year/never, unless you write me back at and you ask me to email you. In addition, you can send an
email at and put "remove" in the subject
line. That ensures that you will be not receiving any email from me. This
is NOT spam, since it does not sell any product or service and also
because it provides a way for you to "opt-out". See the legal text on spam,
for details. Thank you. Do not email anything at the address that
appears on the FROM header of this message. It does not exist.
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