Made in Paint Shop Pro X. Requires basic knowledge of curves!
I started with
this picture from
mkaolsen and cropped it to a 100x100 base
I went to Adjustments > Brightness/Contrast > Levels
Keep the channel to RGB
Input settings: 0, 1.44, 255
Go to Layers > New Adjustment Layer > Hue/Saturation
Upper the saturation with +68
Go to Layers > New Adjustment Layer > Colour Balance
Go to Midtones and set to -100, 53, 100
Keep preserved luminance checked
Go to Layers > New Adjustment Layer > Curves
Keep the channel to RBG
Input: 175
Output: 194
& that's it! pretty easy huh? ;)
I'm sorry if the screencaps are confusing you, but my my program is Dutch so I had to remove the original text and translate it to English. Any problems? Let me know!
other icons made with this technique:
I'd love to see what you came up with! ♥