The trip to milan was terrifying, in a good way. I'll have some pictures eventually, i'm just not inpired right now to resize and post and blah blah blah. You know how it goes
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I'm a little afraid to just jump on a train and go to milan with out knowing if i have a place to sleep... I will get on that train though, and if it doesn't work out, i'll wander around milan for a few hours, then hop a train back to Venice.
That sounds really awesome, "hop a train back to Venice." Life's good.
hello from venice. this is my first time on a computer in two weeks (new record i think).
i'm changing my email to aimeeiscool at gmail dot com because of spam reasons. also if youre really bored and want to call me 039( thats the italian country code) 3488729554
I screwed up, big time (if that even starts to describe it) and I'm sincerely sorry for everything. I wish I could put travel on hold and fix things
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