I will miss you. In case you didn't know, Tuesday (which is gonna be Tuesday in like a literal minute) is the day I go on vacation. I need to go to sleep now so I can wake up at 4 and go on my rich man's limo that you can yell at me for (I'd give it all to you, I swear I would :)) Anyways, I let out a sad sigh that no one was online to say bye to, including my good friend Elly or Molly or CJ (who are generally my only 3 actualy friends :P) so I'm just gonna let you know I'll miss you and if I had the oppertunity I woulda taken you no doubt.
Re: Its all good_freefalling_August 24 2004, 04:01:02 UTC
you are? haha just kidding i love you eleanore. haven't seen you in a while though. although i'm pretty soccered-out this week, we can still hang out durning the day. maybe movies tomorrow? (tuesday). iM me manana. <3 rach
1 pwn t3h h34r7!puyaroxAugust 24 2004, 12:30:25 UTC
Thanks Elly and Molly. I triple the love...... wait no, I like 100-ify the love and give you both 50%! (don't worry, 50% is like.. a lot cuz I like um.... 100-fied it... and yeah :)). Stupidity aside, you both are great friends, and if I was emo enough, there would definately been some wrist slitting over here at losing you both. Fortunately, I'll not inflict phyisical pain upon myself, and instead just wallow in sadness. At least I still have CJ and Kennedy :( NOOOOOOOO! I don't want just CJ and Kennedy, I want Elly and Molly, too! NYAAAH! We must all go see movies. Various times, dammit, various times! Oh yeah, back from Dominican Republic... it was alright, but if you guys were there it would have been fun-o-hal! And I would have drinken a lot of it and passed out in the bathroom, waking up in some random diner in Seattle....... but enough of that, I'll talk to you guys when you come online!
hey this is brittany. i thought you died vinny (not literally though) but then again i havent been online in a whhile. I was randomly reading elly's LJ and noticed you commented and thought..wait a sec..vinnys alive! I havent talked to many people lately so go online someday and converse with me! -brittany
No, no, I did literally die. This is my soul speaking. If a Shinigami doesn't send me to Soul Society soon, though, I'm gonna become a Hollow and then a Shinigami's gonna have to kick my ass, so that'll just suck. Heh, just pretending anyone else in the world besides me knows anything about BLEACH. Yeah, we should converse once more, I yearn to talk anime with people more often. I'm not sure if you know this Brittany, but apparently Saiyuki is yaoi O_O That's not gonna stop me from buying a few DVDs though, as I hear the fighting is spectacular (but still... eeeeew, yaoi).
Comments 11
Im gunna miss you, come back to me soon!
I love you kiddo!
:( i wish that you were staying with me, cause im gunna miss you like crazy next year. u_u
Bye bye Vinny, Enjoy youre vacation and thanks for being so goddamn sweet. I love you!
Youre one of my best friends, without a douubt!
Alls i gotsta say is that i miss you and i hope you enjoy the rest of youre life with out me u_u
Your so sweet one day your gunna meet a girl deserving of your nerdyness and you shall live happy forever.
I also hope you have a great life from now on. Dont make bad choices... I Love you.
<3 rach
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