I know, guys. I suck.
My New Year's Resolution: to update the internet more.
Yes, I fail at it. What's the point in them, anyway? We know that we can't keep them, so why bother making them? I do it because I'm bored enough to think of a decent Resolution, not that I'll keep it.
[ = Anywhat, it's the 3rd of January and I'm about to go out but I thought that I'd say Happy New Year to you all: I hope your 2009 doesn't suck as much as your 2008 did, 'cause I know mine won't be any better.
And I hope you had a good Christmas...My intention to send out festive posts failed and I couldn't be bothered with them, so I sat down and watched cheesy christmas programmes with my brother.
[ = SPEAKING OF WHICH: DOCTOR WHOOOOOOO (HEY) DOCTOR WHO. Oh my, it was awesome, right? And David Tennant just broke my heart. As soon as he stepped out of that TARDIS I had to swallow back the tears, even though I did wail to my brother "IT JUST WON'T BE THE SAMEEE"
And Morrisey was great as Jackson Lake: I really couldn't imagine anyone else playing alongside Tennant and still give such a great performance.
"And, I suppose, in the end...they break my heart"
Oh, David. You've reduced me to tears once again.
[ = And also, I realised that I haven't spoken about Twilight, which I went to see the day it came out even though I could already recite it word for word after seeing it numerous times from my laptop. Illegal downloadation, shhhh.
And yeah, it was okay.
Not great.
But okay.
It sure looked better on screen than on my laptop, but I reckon that if someone hadn't read the books and walked in to see it, they wouldn't understand it. Like, I understand the need to fit the book into a feature-length film, but you do not adapt to a vampire that quickly.
And KStew, seriously? Your bitch face just got in the way throughout the whole thing. Viewers probably wouldn't be able to decipher whether you liked Edward or not, seeing as your face was permanently set into a stone of bitch. WE WEREN'T FEELING YOUR LOVE, DUDE. AND YOU GOTTA FEEL THE LOVE.
And the sparkly Edward...WHAT? I mean, c'mon, Summit, you could have gone to any decent store and bought some decent BODY GLITTER or something to make it look a bit better? I mean, it literally looked like Rob had another light shone on him, which he did, so they had to have KStew narrate what he looked like.
But other than that, decent viewing for us Twilight fans: the supporting actors were great, and in my opinion probably better than RPattz and KStew. And considering that Summit are a small company, they did a great job. And although it had its faults, there were good reasons for them and I can't really complain when such a complex book is put on screen.
[ = And yeah, does anyone know whether Taylor is staying on as Jacob yet? I haven't heard anything in the land of England.
[ = Anywhat, I made a new video (YAY). I'm actually surprised that half of my videos haven't been taken off yet. One of them was going to but Universal removed the copyright claim. Thank you, Universal, you're awesome.
Does anyone have a site that they can recommend me to upload onto, in case You Tubs removes me FOREVEERRRRRRR?
Music by Lifehouse
Made in December 2008
See the video