
May 19, 2005 17:58

You know you're a pussy when you have to block people from your buddy list and from commenting on your journal because you are SCARED with no come backs and you're about 7 years younger than me and you know I could kick your ass (which I plan on doing at warped tour June 18th with all my buddies so I'll be looking for ya can't wait to see you there ( Read more... )

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Comments 19

jack_kennedy May 20 2005, 21:27:04 UTC
brittany knotts your fuckin gay just go home and by the way the whore DOES buy carebear shit for everyone and fuck everyone she meets..hmm wahts that kids name? cough david dude what the hell ever and that one kids right i think its josh perko? your just an immature little bitch and i know for a FACT taht at warped tour if you even see us you wont say SHIT nor will you stick around much longer..give up on trying to make something of your pathetic little insults..your a sadistic little fucking kid or so you act like it and you need to learn when to give the fuck up..so do it


lifex0nxstandby May 20 2005, 22:07:17 UTC
HAHAHAHA yep I screw everyone I meet. to bad Ive only had sex with two people IN MY WHOLE LIFE. and why dont you give up mike
? your the one who keeps posting comments and you think we wont stick up for ourselves? mmm nope. and so what Im going to warped tour whether youll be there or not andf I know alot of other people that will be there too and Im sure we'll all be IMMATURE and say shit. more like scream it. cuz im immature. whatever fuck you, go die. =) thank you once again for making me the center of your life. =)


thegh0st0fy0u__ May 21 2005, 01:53:49 UTC
i am home first or all and no she doesnt shes only done it with 2 guys...get ur number straight mayb if i should learn how to give up u should too..ur sitting here saying shit to cait on her journal and yea i actually would say shit to u at warped tour and if i were u id frickin piss my pants cuz every single person whos heard of u from here hates u and wants u dead...but hey good luck at the warped tour ;) ill c ya there! by the way...every1 i no goes to the warped tour and every1 i no hates u :)and actually im not immature i was sticking up 4 my friend so shove it o yea and she did screw david but remember..u said u think he raped her cuz SHE DIDNT WANT IT so give up already


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thegh0st0fy0u__ May 21 2005, 01:55:28 UTC
actually i thought wut she said was pretty original...better than nething u could ever come up with


x_erica_x May 21 2005, 14:30:02 UTC
lmao these are the funniest comments I've ever read..I love you Josh and at least you know how to spell and speak in proper English..;)


_watchthestars May 21 2005, 15:45:24 UTC
jesus christ. will you think of something more original?

yes, we're making you the center of attention. the reason for this is quite obvious: you're a cunt.


LOL...that girl yelled at erica because she "needed to learn math" but then reassured us this isnt english class, so it probably isnt math class either.

I think you should let erica and mike have sex, and maybe your friend will fist you or something and you can shut the hell up because i dont even know you, but i already hate you. And im mad im even posting because youll just try to one up me. Oh well.


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