Turn her over. A candle is lit. I see through her. Blow it out. save all her ashes for me. Curse me. sold her. The poison that runs. it's course through her. Pale white skin. with strawberry gashes. all over all over. Watch me fault her.
per usual. drunk. dazed. for quite sometime. lost myself. what i wanted. selfish people. selfless acts. pull open doors. my eyes aren't glued shut. shit. better self. psychobitch. uttttter panic. not at the disco.
Aphrodite. Isis. Freya. Aine. Sheelah. Cybele. Ashtoreth. Mylitta. Brag-srin-mo. there is a god (./?) somewhere. somehow. i am not under his/her/its rule. rule of gravity. rule of _______. vindicated. exempt.