the following is an AIM conversation from beginning to finish, you tell me who's the true asshole..
LaidaiMacbeth: you really shouldnt talk shit about me to my sister it makes you seem really pathetic
THRICE 2414: i jsut said you're a bitch
THRICE 2414: and you are
LaidaiMacbeth: yea
LaidaiMacbeth: thats like really sad
THRICE 2414: and i don't decline my statement
LaidaiMacbeth: you seem desperate
THRICE 2414: lol
THRICE 2414: get over yourself heather
LaidaiMacbeth: its like come on marc let it go
THRICE 2414: you're not hot shit
LaidaiMacbeth: never said i was
LaidaiMacbeth: in fact as i recall it was always you complimenting me
THRICE 2414: she asked me why i don't talk to you i said you act like a real bitch to me
LaidaiMacbeth: i dont even talk to you
LaidaiMacbeth: how is that possible
THRICE 2414: that's the reason why we don't talk
LaidaiMacbeth: hah oh please
THRICE 2414: what are you trying to prove here heather?
LaidaiMacbeth: nothign im just saying you really shouldnt constantly be trying to offend me via my sister
LaidaiMacbeth: it makes you look so petty
THRICE 2414: lol
THRICE 2414: who
THRICE 2414: bwha?
THRICE 2414: she asked me once it'
LaidaiMacbeth: alright
THRICE 2414: it's not a connstant thing
LaidaiMacbeth: according to her you say a lot of shit about me
LaidaiMacbeth: in fact enough to make her bring it up out of nowhere
THRICE 2414: i don't think about you i don't tal about you, i see you in the hall and you're just another face
LaidaiMacbeth: good
LaidaiMacbeth: lets keep it that way
THRICE 2414: she brought it up cuz she asked me and i told her thursday
THRICE 2414: other than that not another word has been spoken
LaidaiMacbeth: well keep it to yourself
THRICE 2414: you're nothing hether
LaidaiMacbeth: and yoiur even less
THRICE 2414: she fucking asked
THRICE 2414: haha
LaidaiMacbeth: hah your so desperate
THRICE 2414: if iut's anyone here that's desperate it's you
LaidaiMacbeth: for what?
THRICE 2414: you peace of trash yuou're the one making communication with me
LaidaiMacbeth: piece*
THRICE 2414: even if i was talking shit you think you'd stop me
LaidaiMacbeth: hmm
LaidaiMacbeth: when did u start being so lame
LaidaiMacbeth: you act like a two year old
LaidaiMacbeth: your more dramatic then i am
THRICE 2414: do you think you you're going to get past me here
THRICE 2414: ?
THRICE 2414: honestly
LaidaiMacbeth: whats that supposed to mean?
LaidaiMacbeth: i love how you think your like better then me or something haha thats such a joke
THRICE 2414: say anything you want heatehr you're are the one
that's truly in the wrong, you never realize because in your wolrd
everyone else fucks up but you
THRICE 2414: than*
LaidaiMacbeth: hahah
LaidaiMacbeth: well you do fuck up marc
THRICE 2414: we both make errors
LaidaiMacbeth: no its cool im perfect
LaidaiMacbeth: haha
THRICE 2414: haha
THRICE 2414: you've always been a comdeian too
LaidaiMacbeth: i know
LaidaiMacbeth: thats what you liked about me right
LaidaiMacbeth: when you were so desperately in love with me
THRICE 2414: sure.
LaidaiMacbeth: thats cute
THRICE 2414: wow hateher you tell me to grow up and you try to unleash
assinine blow after blow upon me, dear there s no effect, seriuosly
you should have kept your word when oyu said you'd never talk to me again,
i liked that, but like ALWAYS you can't you are one giant lie,and all i
have to say is one day it will catch up to you and bite you in the ass,
and i won't even laugh, i'll aactually feel sorry that there can be
such low forms of shit as peop;e like you.
LaidaiMacbeth: hah
LaidaiMacbeth: i dont really like talking to you
LaidaiMacbeth: but you made me do it
LaidaiMacbeth: haha
LaidaiMacbeth: your jsut mad cause i can pull out aces on you, but you have like nothing on me
LaidaiMacbeth: its so adorable
LaidaiMacbeth: honey i mean really if you were expecting like an
appology or something.. your never gonna get one.. I mean your the one
who tried to appologize to me when i shot you down and said i never
wanted to talk to you again.
THRICE 2414: i have spoke nothing but the truth and and if you
don't choose to except it(like usuaul) that's fine, i'm not trying to
attcack you this isn't a game(like you think) i'm just trying to show
you how bad of a person you tryly are in hope that you might stop
before you dig yourself a hole in which you cannot climb out of
LaidaiMacbeth: im not a bad person
LaidaiMacbeth: i mean comeon im not the one whose a druggie and
gets drunk and high all the time.. In fact im in smart classes and uh
im pretty sure im gonna be going places in life unlike you
THRICE 2414: that's damn right i said i'm sorry, that's how i am,
i on;y say what i mean, i don't talk shit i don't attck people, i don't
lie to hurt people, i don't try fuck over anyone, i'm not you!
LaidaiMacbeth: ahah your the only one i fuck with honey
LaidaiMacbeth: your just so vulnerable
LaidaiMacbeth: but anywho have a nice night, go jack off or soemthing cause god knows youll never get yourself a girl.
THRICE 2414: hatehr excuse me i have given up drugs, been clean
for a month thanks, you can be the smartest person in school you'll
still going to suck dick for rent when you're older anyway, and yes you
did fuck with me, hardcore, and if you show no remourse for that, then
you are abad person, and i don't know what else to tell you.
LaidaiMacbeth: haha i fucked with you?
LaidaiMacbeth: damn i dont remember that
THRICE 2414: yor head games , you're tricks. your lies
THRICE 2414: you know damn right
LaidaiMacbeth: hell i never lie
THRICE 2414:Punkish838:
tell her to stop acting like a bitch and to just shut her polish mouth
when she doesnt need to talk
THRICE 2414: i'm not the only one who's think you really need to shut up, and grow up
LaidaiMacbeth: you accused me of so many games.. so ill just admit to it all
LaidaiMacbeth: haha i dont even know who that is
THRICE 2414: it's blake
THRICE 2414: haha
LaidaiMacbeth: who cares
THRICE 2414: your friend?
LaidaiMacbeth: blake needs to eat some food, get a hair cut
LaidaiMacbeth: and grow some balls
LaidaiMacbeth: how is he my friend?
THRICE 2414: figures you wouldn;t care about your friend
LaidaiMacbeth: i dont even talk to him
THRICE 2414: you did fucking friday
LaidaiMacbeth: he called me for someones number
LaidaiMacbeth: thats not really friendship
LaidaiMacbeth: or maybe it is for you
LaidaiMacbeth: but shit
THRICE 2414: and you better shut your little dick sucking hole about my friend you cunt
LaidaiMacbeth: haha
LaidaiMacbeth: hahah
THRICE 2414: i don't give a shit what the fuck you say about me but don't ever insult my friends bitch
LaidaiMacbeth: yea i suck so many dicks
LaidaiMacbeth: haha
THRICE 2414: it's true
LaidaiMacbeth: your so pathetic
LaidaiMacbeth: hahah
THRICE 2414: just like the only one that needs changing here is you
LaidaiMacbeth: haha yea
THRICE 2414: don't tell everyone else to
LaidaiMacbeth: your going nowhere in life
THRICE 2414: it's obvious heather
LaidaiMacbeth: yea it is
LaidaiMacbeth: hahah
THRICE 2414: thanks heather i be sure to send you a postcard once i get there
LaidaiMacbeth: haha well thats cool im pretty sure im a better person then you are
LaidaiMacbeth: maybe you and blake dont think so
LaidaiMacbeth: thats cool
LaidaiMacbeth: i dont care
THRICE 2414: heather you are the the lowest form of life there is
LaidaiMacbeth: hahah
LaidaiMacbeth: next to you
THRICE 2414: to think you can strife towards anywhere but to bring down anyone and everyone else is a joke
LaidaiMacbeth: dude im nice to everyone cept u
LaidaiMacbeth: you did it to yourself
LaidaiMacbeth: dont act innocent
LaidaiMacbeth: haha
THRICE 2414: i am innocent heather
LaidaiMacbeth: hahahahaha
THRICE 2414: i have been nothing but nice to you
LaidaiMacbeth: oh really
LaidaiMacbeth: like when u called me a whore
LaidaiMacbeth: and uh when you told me i was a bitch
THRICE 2414: heather open your eyes
THRICE 2414: it's the truth
LaidaiMacbeth: but its cool the whole point of this was to tell you if your gonna talk shit
THRICE 2414: like i said i don't say anything i don't mean
LaidaiMacbeth: dont do it to my sistah
LaidaiMacbeth: right i dont care if you mean it just shut your acne infested hole
LaidaiMacbeth: okay?
THRICE 2414: why can't take the truth?
Auto response from LaidaiMacbeth: alex, seth LTF
THRICE 2414: yeah, run away it's what you're best at.
LaidaiMacbeth: haha
LaidaiMacbeth: you sound like my child'
THRICE 2414:
Punkish838: telling me to grow some balls? how about she grows some boobs
Auto response from LaidaiMacbeth: alex, seth LTF
THRICE 2414: it's true
THRICE 2414: hahahaha
Auto response from LaidaiMacbeth: suck my fat cock marc
LaidaiMacbeth: runing away from you.... yea thats what all the girls do
THRICE 2414: just stop, seriously, you have nothing against me, cuz i have never done a single bad thing to you
LaidaiMacbeth: really i gotta go though
LaidaiMacbeth: so shut up
LaidaiMacbeth: bye bye
THRICE 2414: buh bye now, i'm pretty sick of degrating myself by talking to you
LaidaiMacbeth: good then stop
THRICE 2414: bye