It came from
1. Name: Jessica
2. Your Nick Names: Moe, JJ, Pokey Joe
3.Birthday: 3-19-87
4. Place of Birth: Louisville, Ky
5. Your sign: Pisces
6. Male or Female: Female
7. Age: 18
8. School: Not at the moment.
9. Occupation: I work at a bingo hall.
10. Residence: Louisville, ky
11. Screen Name: Ekko Side
___Your Appearance___
12. Hair Color: light brown
13. Hair Long or Short: loooong
14. Eye Color: Hazel
15. How do your nails look: descent
16. Height: 5 7
17. Do you have a crush on someone?: no
18. Do you like yourself: a bit.
19. Braces?: Never had em.
20. Do you think you're hot: Eh...I'm alright.
21. Piercings: tongue & ears.
22. Tattoo: 1 on muh back.
23. Righty or Lefty: Righty bitch!
___Your 'Firsts'___
24. First best friend(s): Kimberlee <3
25. First fist fight: Haven't REALLY had one, unless you count that one outside of the tech building with Eric.
26. First heartbreak: Brandon.
27. First award: I got a swim'n trophy!! = )
28. First sport you joined: Heh. Never joined one.
29. First pet: A hampster named Frisky.
30. First crush: Timmy.
31. First concert: N*sync or Lynyrd Skynyrd I can't remember which was first.
32. First love: I would have to say my first REAL love was/is Nick.
___ Favorite___
33. Movie: right now, Super Troopers
34. TV Show: Fairly Odd Parents
35. Color: Bright green
36. Band: at the moment, Gorillaz
37. Song: Trying by Life House
38. Food: mushroooms.
39. Drink: Dr. Pepper.
40. Candy: Gummy bears and grape Jolly ranchers.
41. Sport to play: volly ball is alright sometimes.
42. Favorite sport To watch: Soccer is allways interesting but I watch basketball the most.
43. Brand Of clothing: I'll wear any brand.
44. Stores: Khols, Waldens, Hollister (I like the way it looks), Super Walmart...yeahp.
45. School:
46. Animal: I loooove dogs. But I don't think I'll be able to have one again for a loooooong time. =/
47. Book: You Don't Know Me by David Klass
48. Magazine: I don't really read them...
49. Eating: nothin
50. Drinking: Tea.
51. Talking to: Nichol ass
52. Online: mhm
53. Listening to: UFC
54. Thinking about: cookies.
55. Wanting to: sing
56. Watching: UFC
57. Wearing: Nick's boxers and a tank top
__Your Future___
58. Want kids? a course.
59. Want to get married: yeop to some hot kid named Nick. ;)
60. Careers in mind: Photographer, criminal profiler...
61. Nice abs, or nice ass: both.
62. Good kisser, or good with the hands: good kissa!
63. Nice body, or interesting conversations: interesting conversations about nice bodies? = )
64. Nice clothes or nice car: nice car
65. Good choice in resturants or good choice in evening venues? uh...either?
66. Licker or flicker: what???
67. Cute or sexy: cute
68. Lips or Eyes: eyes
69. Hugs or kisses: hugs
70. Short or tall: tall
72. Romantic or spontaneous: both
73. Fatty or Skinny: in between
74. Sensitive or Loud: hhhmmm....
75. Hook-up or Relationship: relationship
76. Sweet or Caring: caring
77. Trouble Maker or Hesitant One: neither.
___Have You Ever___
78. Kissed a Stranger: newp.
79. Drank Alcohol: yeeeeessss
80. Smoked: yeah
81. Ran Away From home: no
82. Broken a Bone? no
83. Got an X-ray: yes
84. Broken Someones Heart: yes
85. Broke Up With Someone: yes
86. Turned Someone Down: yes
87. Cried When Someone Died: yes
88. Cried At School: yeah
___Do You Believe In___
89. God: no
90. Miracles: coincedences.
91. Love At First Sight: Nick <3.
92. Ghosts: nah
93. Aliens: maybe...
94. Soul Mates: yeah.
95. Heaven: no
96. Hell: no
97. Waiting till marriage for sex: nooooo
98. Kissing on The First Date: yeahhh
99. Horoscopes: I don't really believe them all that much but I really like to read them and sometimes they happen to be true. ::shruggs::
___Answer Truthfully___
100. Is There Someone You Want But You Can't Have: I've got who I want.