Title: Garden of Exile, Part Twelve
Pairing: KikwangxYoseob
Rating: PG 13
A/N:: So this is my newest creation, Kiseob again since I missed writing about them. Anyway, I hope you guys will like it. Don’t be afraid to let me know what you think. As always, comments are <33.
Summary: Yoseob is a steward, Kikwang a lost passenger. Can they get to
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Comments 8
I just had some problems with my internet xD THANK YOU FOR LOVING MY STORY!!
The next chapter is up now and thank you very much for commenting!!♥
Lol I loved how so easily close there getting, omg it reminds me of the guy I'm seeing.....
Lol bu anyway! I love this chapter! Fuck I love every chapter!
But yeah thanks a lot for the update :)
Oh I'm happy for you sweetie! :DD
I'm really glad you love this!!
Yr welcome, thank you very much for commenting!♥
The next part is up now :D
GOSH, I love this so much! T^T
Ahw, they're so endless cute!
And it's so cute that Yoseob is reporting Hyunseung what's going on! *lol*
I'm curious what that surprise will be! *__*
But poor Kwangie! Please don't worry so much! You make Yoseob worry too and then you're all sad. I don't want KiSeob to be sad! T^T
I'm so happy you dooo! ^^
hehe yes, he is one of his best friends after all ;D
xD that's a secret!
Aww, don't worry sweetie, they won't be, or at least won't stay sad!!! :D *hug!!!*
Thank you very much for commenting!♥♥
The next part is up now ;D
But more important is: I'm reading this now and I still love this. I will try reading all the chapters you wrote as soon as possible. (OMG, what do I see? There is already an epilogue? *cries* So it'll be over soon *sniff*)
I loved it, I loved it, I loved it. Kiseob are very cute and I always get this warm, cozy feeling when they are all couple-ish together. It's just so right when they are a couple and fluffy and love each other!
The flashback was awesome. Poor Kikwang! I felt that I understand his character much better now. (And I am a flashback-junkie...which I probably mentioned before ;D)
I might have loved the beginning of this chapter most. The way Kikwang sleeps with his head on Yoseob's chest is such a beautiful scene to me. (I want them to cuddle all day.)
Good job, I hope I'll be able to read the other chapters soon too. <3333
I'm really glad you love it :D I hope you'll like the ending as well, yes it has already come to an end unfortunately ;p
I'm so glad you doo! Yes I think so too, they are just adorable together to me, I love every moment they have together.
Yes, I felt like it needed just one more xD I like flashbacks as well, they help tell the story a lot ^^
Aww thank you very much :D I like that scene a lot as well to be honest ^^
Thank you so much sweetie, I hope you'll be able to read them soon as well <33333.
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