woo! today was okay. lol i did purdy good in knockout in PE all the map guys were like cheering for me (oh yay) and i almost won but then i was chasing the ball and i tripped and kicked the ball with my foot so by the time i got back i was out haha damn my clumsiness!
the essays for crit thinking are due tomorrow but i wont be there cause i'm leaving school at 11 heading to west palm beach! hell yes! extra time! haha
i played hey jude on mr e's twelve string guitar in last block and a bunch of ppl were around me singin so that was FLIPTASTICALISCIOUS god that was a gay word but ohwell i'm hyperhyperhyper... mr e wants me to come to guitar club next week so i guess i'll go i mean its worth a shot..
brandon and nash moved up 2 places on my cool list haha i swear to god brandon has all the relient k cds and he lent them to nash who lent them to me so YAAAAAAAAAAY
okay i have a dance show at the high school in a bit sooo i gotta go get all purdified..yuck